Definition of give out

give outverb

chia, phân phối

Definition of undefined

"Give out" is a phrasal verb that combines the verb "give" with the preposition "out." The origin of this phrase lies in the literal sense of distributing or handing out something, like giving out flyers or candy. The "out" signifies the action of moving something from a contained location to an external one. Over time, the phrase evolved to encompass other meanings like becoming exhausted or losing strength, reflecting the idea of a resource being depleted.


distribute something

phân phối một cái gì đó

  • I've been giving out leaflets

    Tôi đã phát tờ rơi

Related words and phrases

be completely used up

được sử dụng hết

  • their allowances soon gave out

    phụ cấp của họ sớm được đưa ra

Related words and phrases

  • run out
  • be used up
  • be consumed
  • be exhausted
  • be depleted
  • come to an end
  • fail
  • flag

speak in an angry way

nói một cách tức giận

  • the woman began giving out to poor Paddy

    người phụ nữ bắt đầu cho Paddy tội nghiệp