Definition of expire


hết hạn


The origin of the word "expire" can be traced back to the Middle English word "expireden," which meant "to breathe one's last breath." This word eventually evolved into the Modern English word "expire." The origin of the word can be further traced back to the Old French word "esper" which also meant "to breathe one's last breath." The Old French word, in turn, was likely derived from the Latin word "spirare," which meant "to breathe." In its original usage, the word "expire" referred solely to the act of breathing one's last breath and was often used in the context of someone dying. However, over time, the meaning of the word broadened to include the concept of something coming to an official end, such as the expiration of a lease, contract, or patent. Even in its current use, the association with death and breathing can still be seen in expressions like "expiration date" or "the expiration of life," which illustrate the word's origin as a descriptor for the end of life or activity.


to be no longer legally acceptable because the period of time for which it could be used has ended

không còn được chấp nhận về mặt pháp lý vì khoảng thời gian có thể sử dụng nó đã kết thúc

  • When does your driving licence expire?

    Giấy phép lái xe của bạn hết hạn khi nào?

  • Our lease on the house expires next month.

    Hợp đồng thuê nhà của chúng tôi sẽ hết hạn vào tháng tới.

Related words and phrases

to end

kết thúc

  • His term of office expires at the end of June.

    Nhiệm kỳ của ông sẽ hết hạn vào cuối tháng Sáu.

to die


  • She had expired while bearing her son.

    Cô ấy đã qua đời khi đang mang thai đứa con trai của mình.