Definition of fade


phai màu


The word "fade" originated in Middle English, around the 1400s. Its linguistic roots can be traced back to the Old Norse word "fata," which meant "to disappear" or "cease to be." This Old Norse word traveled to Old English, where it evolved into "fædan," meaning "to vanish" or "perish." Over time, the word's meaning evolved to include the idea of losing brightness or intensity. This new interpretation of the word appeared in Middle English, where it was spelled "fedyn" or "fedan." By the early 1500s, it had been simplified to "fade," as we know it today. In the early 1600s, the verb "fade" began to be used in a variety of contexts. It could mean "to become less bright or vivid" in relation to color, or "to lose strength or intensity" in connection to sound or light. Eventually, it came to describe the process by which something gradually and naturally disappears. Overall, the origins of "fade" lie in Old Norse and Old English, where it described the idea of something disappearing or coming to an end. Its evolution into the modern English word "fade" serves as a reminder that language is a dynamic and ever-changing system, and that our words have often surprisingly complex histories.


to become or to make something become paler or less bright

trở nên hoặc làm cho cái gì trở nên nhạt màu hoặc kém tươi sáng

  • The curtains had faded in the sun.

    Những tấm rèm đã phai màu dưới nắng.

  • All colour had faded from the sky.

    Mọi màu sắc đã nhạt nhòa trên bầu trời.

  • The sun had faded the curtains.

    Nắng đã phai mờ rèm cửa.

  • He was wearing faded blue jeans.

    Anh ấy đang mặc một chiếc quần jeans màu xanh nhạt.

to disappear gradually

biến mất dần dần

  • Her smile faded.

    Nụ cười của cô nhạt đi.

  • Hopes of reaching an agreement seem to be fading away.

    Hy vọng đạt được thỏa thuận dường như đang mờ dần.

  • The laughter faded away.

    Tiếng cười tắt dần.

  • The smile faded from his face.

    Nụ cười tắt dần trên khuôn mặt anh.

  • His voice faded to a whisper (= gradually became quieter).

    Giọng nói của anh ấy nhỏ dần thành thì thầm (= dần dần trở nên yên tĩnh hơn).

  • All other issues fade into insignificance compared with the struggle for survival.

    Mọi vấn đề khác đều trở nên vô nghĩa so với cuộc đấu tranh sinh tồn.

  • Summer was fading into autumn.

    Mùa hè đã chuyển sang mùa thu.

Extra examples:
  • Their voices faded into the distance.

    Giọng nói của họ xa dần.

  • It was impossible for her to fade quietly into the background.

    Cô ấy không thể lặng lẽ mờ dần vào nền.

if a sports player, team, actor, etc. fades, they stop playing or performing as well as they did before

nếu một cầu thủ, đội, diễn viên thể thao, v.v. mờ nhạt, họ sẽ ngừng thi đấu hoặc biểu diễn tốt như trước đây

  • Black faded on the final bend.

    Màu đen nhạt dần ở khúc cua cuối cùng.


be fading fast
to be disappearing quickly
  • Hopes of a peace settlement were fading fast.
  • blend/fade into the woodwork
    (informal)to behave in a way that does not attract any attention; to disappear or hide