Definition of exhaust


khí thải


The origin of the word "exhaust" can be traced back to the Middle English "exhosten" which meant "to consume altogether" or "to use up completely". This word can be broken down into two parts - "exh-" which is derived from the Old French word "exhaster" meaning "to waste" or "to consume", and "-ten" which has its roots in the Anglo-Saxon word "stan" meaning "to stand". In its early usage, "exhaust" was mainly used to describe the complete consumption of resources or materials, both literal and figurative. For example, an exhausted farmer might be someone who has used up all his resources and is no longer able to continue with his work. In a more figurative sense, an exhausted person might mean someone who has used up all their energy or strength. The use of "exhaust" in its modern context to describe the complete use or depletion of resources, such as fuel in a car or energy in a battery, is a more recent development. This usage can be traced back to the mid-19th century, when improved engine technology and increased usage of internal combustion engines led to the greater usage of the word "exhaust" in relation to fuel consumption. Today, the word "exhaust" has become a common part of our everyday language, used not just in reference to engines and vehicles, but also to describe a wide range of resources and situations where complete use or depletion is a concern.


waste gases that come out of a vehicle, an engine or a machine

khí thải thoát ra từ phương tiện, động cơ hoặc máy móc

  • car exhaust fumes/emissions

    khí thải ô tô/khí thải

Extra examples:
  • ducts which draw out exhaust air and replace it with fresh

    ống dẫn khí thải ra và thay thế bằng khí mới

  • The car was fitted with a catalytic converter to meet exhaust regulations.

    Chiếc xe được trang bị bộ chuyển đổi xúc tác để đáp ứng các quy định về khí thải.

the system in a vehicle through which exhaust gases come out

hệ thống trong xe qua đó khí thải thoát ra

  • My car needs a new exhaust.

    Xe của tôi cần một ống xả mới.

  • pollution from car exhausts

    ô nhiễm từ khí thải ô tô

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