Definition of day


ngày, ban ngày


Definition of undefined

The word "day" has its roots in Old English and Germanic languages. It originated from the Proto-Germanic word "dagaiz", which is also the source of the Modern German word "Tag" and the Dutch word "dag". This Proto-Germanic word is thought to have been derived from the Proto-Indo-European root "dheg-", which meant "to harness" or "to drive". In Old English, the word "dæg" (day) was used to refer to the period of daylight between sunrise and sunset. The word has retained its original meaning in Modern English, although its pronunciation has evolved to /deɪ/. The word "day" has also been used figuratively to refer to a period of time, such as a working day or a day of celebration. Overall, the word "day" has a rich history and has been an integral part of the English language for over a thousand years.


a period of 24 hours

khoảng thời gian 24 giờ

  • ‘What day is it today?’ ‘Monday.’

    ‘Hôm nay là ngày gì?’ ‘Thứ Hai.’

  • I go to the gym every day.

    Tôi đi đến phòng tập hằng ngày.

  • We spent five days in Paris.

    Chúng tôi đã dành năm ngày ở Paris.

  • I saw Tom three days ago.

    Tôi đã gặp Tom ba ngày trước.

  • We're going away in a few days.

    Chúng ta sẽ đi xa trong vài ngày nữa.

  • The house should be ready in a few days' time.

    Ngôi nhà sẽ sẵn sàng trong vài ngày tới.

  • The situation has been deteriorating for the past few days.

    Tình hình đã xấu đi trong vài ngày qua.

  • Full payment must be made within 21 days.

    Thanh toán đầy đủ phải được thực hiện trong vòng 21 ngày.

  • On that day Rosa Parks did something that changed history.

    Vào ngày hôm đó Rosa Parks đã làm một việc làm thay đổi lịch sử.

  • I saw her again the next day.

    Tôi gặp lại cô ấy vào ngày hôm sau.

  • He called me to apologize three days later.

    Anh ấy gọi cho tôi để xin lỗi ba ngày sau đó.

  • He resigned the following day.

    Ông từ chức vào ngày hôm sau.

  • We'd had this big argument the day before.

    Chúng tôi đã có một cuộc tranh cãi lớn vào ngày hôm trước.

  • They left the day before yesterday (= two days ago).

    Họ đã rời đi vào ngày hôm kia (= hai ngày trước).

  • We're meeting the day after tomorrow (= in two days).

    Chúng tôi sẽ gặp nhau vào ngày mốt (= trong hai ngày).

  • We can't go there today. You can go another day.

    Chúng ta không thể đến đó hôm nay. Bạn có thể đi vào một ngày khác.

  • New Year’s Day

    Ngay đâu năm

  • Take the medicine three times a day.

    Uống thuốc ba lần một ngày.

  • They are producing 1.5 million barrels of oil per day.

    Họ đang sản xuất 1,5 triệu thùng dầu mỗi ngày.

  • The helpline is open 24 hours a day.

    Đường dây trợ giúp mở cửa 24 giờ một ngày.

Extra examples:
  • He thought of her less as the days passed.

    Anh ngày càng ít nghĩ đến cô hơn theo từng ngày.

  • He's getting stronger by the day.

    Anh ấy đang ngày càng mạnh mẽ hơn.

  • I was in your area the other day.

    Tôi đã ở khu vực của bạn ngày hôm nọ.

  • It happened on the very day that Kemp was murdered.

    Chuyện xảy ra vào đúng ngày Kemp bị sát hại.

  • It was the day of the big game.

    Đó là ngày diễn ra trận đấu lớn.

  • It's been one of the worst days of my life.

    Đó là một trong những ngày tồi tệ nhất trong cuộc đời tôi.

  • On the day of his wedding he was very nervous.

    Vào ngày cưới, anh ấy rất hồi hộp.

  • The letter arrived the very next day.

    Bức thư đến ngay ngày hôm sau.

  • The restaurant is closed all day Saturday.

    Nhà hàng đóng cửa cả ngày Thứ Bảy.

  • They stayed for ten days.

    Họ ở lại mười ngày.

  • We hope to finish the job in a few days.

    Chúng tôi hy vọng có thể hoàn thành công việc trong vài ngày.

  • We're open every day except Sunday.

    Chúng tôi mở cửa hàng ngày trừ Chủ Nhật.

  • those killed in the hail of bullets fired on that fateful day

    những người thiệt mạng trong làn đạn bắn vào ngày định mệnh đó

  • When that day comes, I plan to be far away.

    Khi ngày đó đến, tôi dự định sẽ đi thật xa.

the time between when it becomes light in the morning and when it becomes dark in the evening

khoảng thời gian từ lúc trời sáng đến lúc trời tối vào buổi tối

  • What a beautiful day!

    Thật là một ngày đẹp!

  • The sun was shining all day.

    Mặt trời chiếu sáng cả ngày.

  • I could sit and watch the river all day long.

    Tôi có thể ngồi ngắm sông cả ngày.

  • We spent the day gardening.

    Chúng tôi dành cả ngày để làm vườn.

  • He works at night and sleeps during the day.

    Anh ấy làm việc vào ban đêm và ngủ vào ban ngày.

  • Nocturnal animals sleep by day and hunt by night.

    Động vật sống về đêm ngủ vào ban ngày và săn mồi vào ban đêm.

  • On a sunny day in June…

    Vào một ngày nắng tháng Sáu…

Extra examples:
  • As day dawned I found her already hard at work.

    Khi trời sáng tôi thấy cô ấy đã làm việc chăm chỉ.

  • The short winter days prevented them from finishing all the work.

    Những ngày mùa đông ngắn ngủi khiến họ không thể hoàn thành mọi công việc.

  • Memories of happy days on the hills never fade.

    Kỷ niệm những ngày vui trên đồi không bao giờ phai nhạt.

  • We preferred to travel at night and rest by day.

    Chúng tôi thích đi du lịch vào ban đêm và nghỉ ngơi vào ban ngày.

  • We went to the beach for the day.

    Chúng tôi đã đi đến bãi biển trong ngày.

  • a fine summer's day

    một ngày hè đẹp trời

the hours of the day when you are active, working, etc., not sleeping

những giờ trong ngày khi bạn hoạt động, làm việc, v.v., không ngủ

  • a seven-hour working day

    một ngày làm việc bảy giờ

  • Have a nice day!

    Chúc một ngày tốt lành!

  • Did you have a good day?

    Bạn đã có một ngày tốt lành chứ?

  • Our waiter seemed to be having a bad day.

    Người phục vụ của chúng tôi dường như đang có một ngày tồi tệ.

  • It's been a long day (= I've been very busy).

    Đã là một ngày dài (= Tôi rất bận).

  • She didn't do a full day's work.

    Cô ấy đã không làm việc cả ngày.

  • I took a half day off yesterday.

    Hôm qua tôi đã nghỉ nửa ngày.

Extra examples:
  • Why not take a few days off?

    Tại sao không nghỉ vài ngày?

  • Be sure to start the day with a good breakfast.

    Hãy chắc chắn để bắt đầu ngày mới với một bữa ăn sáng tốt.

  • How did your day go?

    Ngày hôm nay của bạn như thế nào?

  • I am entitled to ten paid sick days a year.

    Tôi được hưởng mười ngày nghỉ ốm được trả lương mỗi năm.

  • I do a 9-hour day.

    Tôi làm việc 9 tiếng một ngày.

  • I knew I had a full day's driving ahead of me.

    Tôi biết tôi còn cả một ngày lái xe phía trước.

  • On a bad day chaos reigns and nobody can predict when a plane will leave.

    Vào một ngày tồi tệ, sự hỗn loạn bao trùm và không ai có thể đoán trước được khi nào máy bay sẽ cất cánh.

  • a hard day at the office

    một ngày vất vả ở văn phòng

  • the pattern of the school day

    mô hình của ngày học

Related words and phrases

a particular period of time or history

một khoảng thời gian hoặc lịch sử cụ thể

  • in Queen Victoria’s day

    vào ngày của Nữ hoàng Victoria

  • in the days of the industrial revolution

    trong thời kỳ cách mạng công nghiệp

  • back in the early days of computers

    quay lại thời kỳ đầu của máy tính

  • He was the biggest star in Hollywood in those days.

    Anh ấy là ngôi sao lớn nhất ở Hollywood vào thời điểm đó.

  • in the old days (= in the past)

    ngày xưa (= trong quá khứ)

Extra examples:
  • Gone are the days when you could smoke in restaurants.

    Đã qua rồi cái thời bạn có thể hút thuốc trong nhà hàng.

  • Much has changed since the days of my youth.

    Nhiều điều đã thay đổi kể từ những ngày tôi còn trẻ.

  • Some players go into management once their playing days are over.

    Một số cầu thủ chuyển sang làm quản lý sau khi kết thúc sự nghiệp thi đấu.

  • That was in the bad old days of rampant inflation.

    Đó là vào thời kỳ lạm phát tràn lan tồi tệ trước đây.

  • the dark days of recession

    những ngày đen tối của suy thoái

  • the heady days of the ‘swinging sixties’

    những ngày thăng hoa của 'thập niên sáu mươi'

  • Dickens gives us a vivid picture of poverty in Queen Victoria's day.

    Dickens cho chúng ta một bức tranh sống động về sự nghèo khó dưới thời Nữ hoàng Victoria.

  • the government of the day

    chính phủ ngày đó

  • I never thought I would see the day when free elections would be held in this country.

    Tôi chưa bao giờ nghĩ sẽ có ngày bầu cử tự do được tổ chức ở đất nước này.

a particular period in somebody's life or career

một giai đoạn cụ thể trong cuộc đời hoặc sự nghiệp của ai đó

  • I have many happy memories from my student days.

    Tôi có rất nhiều kỷ niệm vui thời sinh viên.

  • in his younger days

    trong những ngày còn trẻ

  • She cared for him for the rest of his days (= the rest of his life).

    Cô ấy chăm sóc anh ấy trong những ngày còn lại của anh ấy (= phần còn lại của cuộc đời anh ấy).


all in a day’s work
part of your normal working life and not unusual
  • Swimming with sharks or training a tiger cub—it's all in a day's work for animal wrangler Chris Bolton.
  • any day (now) | any time now
    (informal)very soon
  • The letter should arrive any day now.
  • We expect more info on this any time now.
  • at the end of the day
    (informal)used to introduce the most important fact after everything has been considered
  • At the end of the day, he'll still have to make his own decision.
  • back in the day
    in the past
  • My dad's always talking about how great everything was back in the day.
  • back in the days
    at a particular time in the past
  • I was a fan back in the days when the band wasn't yet famous.
  • break of day/dawn
    (literary)the moment in the early hours of the morning when it begins to get light
    call it a day
    (informal)to decide or agree to stop doing something
  • After forty years in politics I think it's time for me to call it a day (= to retire).
  • carry/win the day
    (formal)to be successful against somebody/something
  • Despite strong opposition, the ruling party carried the day.
  • Teamwork and persistence can still win the day.
  • (as) clear as day
    easy to see or understand
    day after day
    each day repeatedly (used especially when something is boring or annoying)
  • She hates doing the same work day after day.
  • day and night
    all the time; continuously
  • The store is open day and night.
  • The machines are kept running night and day.
  • day by day
    all the time; a little at a time and gradually
  • Day by day his condition improved.
  • Morale was sinking day by day.
  • day in, day out
    every day for a long period of time
  • Living on junk food day in day out is not good for you.
  • a day of reckoning
    the time when somebody will have to deal with the result of something that they have done wrong, or be punished for something bad that they have done
    somebody’s/something’s days are numbered
    a person or thing will not continue to live, exist or be successful for much longer
  • His days as leader of the party are numbered.
  • Whatever the protests, the school’s days are numbered and it will be closed down.
  • end your days/life (in something)
    to spend the last part of your life in a particular state or place
  • He ended his days in poverty.
  • every dog has his/its day
    (saying)everyone has good luck or success at some point in their life
    the evil hour/day
    (often humorous)the time when you have to do something difficult or unpleasant
  • I’d better go and see the dentist—I can’t put off the evil hour any longer.
  • If you keep on borrowing, you are only postponing the evil day when you have to pay it all back.
  • five a day
    (especially British English)the amount of fruit or vegetables that some organizations say you should eat in order to be healthy
  • Start your five a day with a banana for breakfast.
  • from day one
    (informal)from the beginning
  • It's never worked from day one.
  • This game makes reading and spelling fun from day one.
  • from day to day
    with no thoughts or plans for the future
  • They live from day to day, looking after their sick daughter.
  • if a situation changes from day to day, it changes often
  • A baby's need for food can vary from day to day.
  • from one day to the next
    if a situation changes from one day to the next, it is uncertain and not likely to stay the same each day
  • I never know what to expect from one day to the next.
  • from that day/time forth
    (literary)beginning on that day; from that time
  • From that day forth she gave me endless friendship and encouragement.
  • give me something/somebody (any day/time)
    (informal)used to say that you prefer a particular thing or person to the one that has just been mentioned
  • We don't go out much. Give me a quiet night in front of the TV any day!
  • your good deed for the day
    a helpful, kind thing that you do
  • I took Sarah’s children to school so I’ve done my good deed for the day.
  • She felt that she had done her good deed for the day.
  • the good/bad old days
    an earlier period of time in your life or in history that is seen as better/worse than the present
  • That was in the bad old days of rampant inflation.
  • have had your day
    to no longer be successful, powerful, etc.
  • She's had her day as a supermodel.
  • have a nice day!
    (informal, especially North American English)a friendly way of saying goodbye, especially to customers
    have seen/known better days
    (humorous)to be in poor condition
  • Our car has seen better days!
  • if he’s, she’s, etc. a day
    (informal)(used when talking about somebody’s age) at least
  • He must be 70 if he's a day!
  • in all my born days
    (old-fashioned, informal)used when you are very surprised at something you have never heard or seen before
  • I've never heard such nonsense in all my born days.
  • in the cold light of day
    when you have had time to think calmly about something; in the morning when things are clearer
  • These things always look different in the cold light of day.
  • in somebody’s day
    during the part of somebody’s life when they were most successful, famous, etc.
  • She was a great dancer in her day.
  • Things were very different in my grandfather's day.
  • when somebody was young
  • In my day, there were plenty of jobs when you left school.
  • In Grandfather’s day, owning a television was very unusual.
  • in the olden days
    a long time ago in the past
  • What was life like in the olden days, Gran?
  • in this day and age
    now, in the modern world
  • Slavery continues to exist, even in this day and age.
  • Why dress so formally in this day and age?
  • it’s early days (yet) | it's still early days
    (British English)used to say that it is too soon to be sure how a situation will develop
  • It’s early days yet. We don’t know if the play will be a success.
  • it’s not somebody’s day
    (informal)used when several bad or unpleasant things happen on the same day
  • My car broke down and then I locked myself out—it's just not my day!
  • late in the day
    (disapproving)after the time when an action could be successful
  • He started working hard much too late in the day—he couldn't possibly catch up.
  • the livelong day
    (literary)the whole length of the day
    live to fight another day
    (saying)used to say that although you have failed or had a bad experience, you will continue
    make somebody’s day
    to make somebody feel very happy on a particular day
  • The phone call from Mike really made my day.
  • make a day/night of it
    (informal)to make a particular activity that you enjoy last for a whole day/evening instead of only part of it
  • We took a picnic lunch to the river and made a day of it.
  • They decided to make a night of it and went on to a club.
  • night and day
    all the time; continuously
  • The machines are kept running night and day.
  • The store is open day and night.
  • a nine days’ wonder
    a person or thing that makes people excited for a short time but does not last very long
    not give somebody the time of day
    to refuse to speak to somebody because you do not like or respect them
  • Since the success of her novel, people shake her hand who once wouldn't have given her the time of day.
  • not have all day
    to not have much time
  • Come on! We don't have all day!
  • of somebody’s day
    during a particular period of time when somebody lived
  • the best player of his day
  • Bessie Smith was the Madonna of her day.
  • of the day
    of the present time
  • the political issues of the day
  • that is served on a particular day in a restaurant
  • soup of the day
  • oh my days
    used to emphasize what you are saying when you are surprised, shocked or annoyed
  • Oh my days! Is that true?
  • one day
    at some time in the future, or on a particular day in the past
  • One day, I want to leave the city and move to the country.
  • One day, he walked out of the house with a small bag and never came back.
  • one of these days
    before a long time has passed
  • One of these days you'll come back and ask me to forgive you.
  • one of those days
    (informal)a day when there are a lot of mistakes and a lot of things go wrong
  • It's been one of those days!
  • It's been one of those days when everything's gone wrong.
  • the order of the day
    common, popular or suitable at a particular time or for a particular occasion
  • Pessimism seems to be the order of the day.
  • the other day/morning/evening/week
  • I saw Jack the other day.
  • I was in your area the other week.
  • I woke up the other morning and just could not get myself out of bed.
  • I was watching TV the other evening, when…
  • pass the time of day (with somebody)
    to say hello to somebody and have a short conversation with them
    (as) plain as a pikestaff | (as) plain as day | (as) plain as the nose on your face
    very obvious
    Rome wasn’t built in a day
    (saying)used to say that a complicated task will take a long time and should not be rushed
    your salad days
    (old-fashioned)the time when you are young and do not have much experience of life
    save the day/situation
    to prevent failure or defeat, when this seems certain to happen
  • Salah's late goal saved the day for Liverpool.
  • save, keep, etc. something for a rainy day
    to save something, especially money, for a time when you will really need it
    some day
    at an unknown time in the future
  • Some day I'll be famous.
  • I hope we meet again some day.
  • take it/things one day at a time
    (informal)to not think about what will happen in the future
  • I don't know if he'll get better. We're just taking it one day at a time.
  • that’ll be the day
    (informal, ironic)used when you are saying that something is very unlikely to happen
  • Paul? Apologize? That'll be the day!
  • these days
    (informal)used to talk about the present, especially when you are comparing it with the past
  • These days kids grow up so quickly.
  • those were the days
    (informal)used to suggest that a time in the past was happier or better than now
    to the day
  • It's been three years to the day since we met.
  • to this day
    even now, when a lot of time has passed
  • To this day, I still don't understand why he did it.