Definition of content


nội dung, sự hài lòng


Definition of undefined

The word "content" originated from the Old French word "conter," which means "to tell" or "to recount." This Old French word is derived from the Latin word "contare," also meaning "to count" or "to recount." The Latin "contare" is a combination of "com-"meaning "together" and "tare" meaning "to recount" or "to count." The word "content" initially referred to the act of recounting or telling something. Over time, its meaning expanded to include the idea of being satisfied or pleased with something, as in "content with one's circumstances." This sense of the word is first recorded in English in the 14th century. Today, "content" has many meanings, including what is written or published online, as well as a state of being satisfied or pleased.


in a state of peaceful happiness

trong trạng thái hạnh phúc yên bình

  • he seemed more content, less bitter

    anh ấy có vẻ bằng lòng hơn, ít cay đắng hơn

Related words and phrases

satisfy (someone)

làm hài lòng (ai đó)

  • nothing would content her apart from going off to Barcelona

    không có gì có thể khiến cô ấy hài lòng ngoài việc đi đến Barcelona

a state of satisfaction

trạng thái hài lòng

  • the greater part of the century was a time of content

    phần lớn của thế kỷ này là thời của nội dung

a member of the British House of Lords who votes for a particular motion.

một thành viên của Hạ viện Anh, người bỏ phiếu cho một đề nghị cụ thể.

the things that are held or included in something

những thứ được giữ hoặc bao gồm trong một cái gì đó

  • she unscrewed the top of the flask and drank the contents

    cô ấy mở nắp bình và uống hết

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