Definition of pleased


hài lòng


Definition of undefined

The word "pleased" originated from the Old English word "plēsian," meaning "to please," which itself is derived from the Proto-Germanic word "*plēsijan." This word has roots in the Proto-Indo-European word "*pleh₂-," meaning "to fill," reflecting the idea of filling someone with satisfaction or delight. Over time, "plēsian" evolved into the Middle English word "plesen," and eventually became the modern "please." "Pleased" simply signifies the past participle of "please," reflecting the state of being filled with pleasure.


feeling happy about something

cảm thấy hạnh phúc về điều gì đó

  • You're coming? I'm so pleased.

    Bạn đang tới? Tôi rất hài lòng.

  • She was very pleased with her exam results.

    Cô ấy rất hài lòng với kết quả kỳ thi của mình.

  • Mary and I were most pleased with the present we bought in Edinburgh.

    Mary và tôi hài lòng nhất với món quà chúng tôi mua ở Edinburgh.

  • The boss should be pleased with you.

    Sếp sẽ hài lòng với bạn.

  • She seemed pleased at our success.

    Cô ấy có vẻ hài lòng với thành công của chúng tôi.

  • You're looking very pleased about something.

    Bạn đang trông rất hài lòng về điều gì đó.

  • I'm very pleased for you both.

    Tôi rất hài lòng cho cả hai bạn.

  • I'm really pleased (that) you're feeling better.

    Tôi thực sự hài lòng (rằng) bạn cảm thấy tốt hơn.

happy or willing to do something

hạnh phúc hoặc sẵn sàng làm điều gì đó

  • We are always pleased to be able to help.

    Chúng tôi luôn vui lòng có thể giúp đỡ.

  • I was pleased to hear you've been promoted.

    Tôi rất vui khi biết bạn đã được thăng chức.

  • Aren't you pleased to see me?

    Bạn không vui khi gặp tôi sao?

  • Pleased to meet you (= said when you are introduced to somebody).

    Rất vui được gặp bạn (= nói khi bạn được giới thiệu với ai đó).

  • We are pleased to announce that the winner of our competition is…

    Chúng tôi vui mừng thông báo rằng người chiến thắng trong cuộc thi của chúng tôi là…

  • Thank you for your invitation, which I am very pleased to accept.

    Cảm ơn lời mời của bạn, tôi rất vui được chấp nhận.

  • I am pleased to inform you that the book you ordered has arrived.

    Tôi vui mừng thông báo với bạn rằng cuốn sách bạn đặt đã đến.

  • I am pleased to say that my leg has completely healed.

    Tôi vui mừng nói rằng chân của tôi đã hoàn toàn bình phục.

Extra examples:
  • I am always pleased to hear from former students.

    Tôi luôn vui mừng khi được nghe ý kiến ​​từ các cựu học sinh.

  • She seemed surprised and not at all pleased to see him.

    Cô ấy có vẻ ngạc nhiên và không vui chút nào khi gặp anh.

Related words and phrases


far from pleased | none/not too pleased | not best pleased
not pleased; angry
  • She was none too pleased at having to do it all again.
  • He did not look too pleased when I told him.
  • She was not best pleased with his choice.
  • only too pleased (to do something)
    very happy or willing to do something
  • We're only too pleased to help.
  • (as) pleased/proud as Punch
    very pleased/proud
  • Now he’s passed his driving test, he’s as pleased as Punch.
  • pleased with yourself
    (often disapproving)too proud of something you have done
  • He was looking very pleased with himself.