Definition of equilibrium


trạng thái cân bằng


The word "equilibrium" comes from the Latin words "aequus" (aequus), which means "equal", and "libra" (libra), which means "balance". In ancient Rome, the noun form of "aequus" was used to describe the act of making something equal, and the noun form of "libra" was used to describe a balance scale. In modern English, the word "equilibrium" is used to describe a state of balance, stability, or harmony, especially in relation to multiple variables or factors. Equilibrium is often seen as being a state of dynamic balance, in which multiple variables or factors are in a state of harmonious interaction or coexistence. In physics and chemistry, the term "equilibrium" is used to describe a state of dynamic balance, in which multiple variables or factors are in a state of harmonious interaction or coexistence. This usage is common in many different contexts, from chemical reactions and thermodynamics to fluid mechanics and fluid dynamics, where it is used to describe a state of dynamic balance, which is intended to promote system efficiency, reduce system error, or facilitate system maintenance and management. In computing and information technology, the term "equilibrium" is sometimes used to describe a state of system stability, reliability, or predictability, especially in relation to network congestion, hardware failure, or software error. This usage is less common than the more traditional usage, but it is still used in some contexts, particularly in relation to system design and software engineering, where it is used to describe a state of system stability, reliability, or predictability, which is intended to promote system efficiency, reduce system error, or facilitate system maintenance and management. In all of these contexts, the word "equilibrium" is used to describe a state of balance, stability, or harmony, especially in relation to multiple variables or factors, or a state of system stability, reliability, or predictability, especially in relation to network congestion, hardware failure, or software error.


a state of balance, especially between different forces or influences

một trạng thái cân bằng, đặc biệt là giữa các lực lượng hoặc ảnh hưởng khác nhau

  • Any disturbance to the body's state of equilibrium can produce stress.

    Bất kỳ sự xáo trộn nào đối với trạng thái cân bằng của cơ thể đều có thể tạo ra căng thẳng.

  • The point at which the solid and the liquid are in equilibrium is called the freezing point.

    Điểm tại đó chất rắn và chất lỏng ở trạng thái cân bằng gọi là điểm đông đặc.

  • We have achieved an equilibrium in the economy.

    Chúng ta đã đạt được sự cân bằng trong nền kinh tế.

a calm state of mind and a balance of emotions

một trạng thái bình tĩnh của tâm trí và sự cân bằng của cảm xúc

  • He sat down to try and recover his equilibrium.

    Anh ngồi xuống để cố gắng lấy lại thăng bằng.