Definition of pacify


hòa bình


The word "pacify" has a fascinating history. It originates from the Latin word "pacificare," which means "to make peace" or "to reconcile." This Latin term is a combination of "pax," meaning "peace," and "facere," meaning "to make." The word "pacify" was first used in the 14th century to describe the act of bringing people or nations to a state of peace or tranquility. Over time, its meaning expanded to include the sense of calming or soothing, often with the intention of reducing conflict or aggression. In modern usage, "pacify" is often used in a range of contexts, from international diplomacy to personal relationships, to convey a sense of calming or resolving tension.


to make somebody who is angry or upset become calm and quiet

làm cho ai đó đang tức giận hoặc khó chịu trở nên bình tĩnh và im lặng

  • The baby could not be pacified.

    Đứa bé không thể bình tĩnh được.

  • The speech was designed to pacify the irate crowd.

    Bài phát biểu được thiết kế để xoa dịu đám đông giận dữ.

Related words and phrases

to bring peace to an area where there is fighting or a war

để mang lại hòa bình cho một khu vực nơi có chiến tranh hoặc chiến tranh

  • a turbulent period before the country was pacified

    một thời kỳ hỗn loạn trước khi đất nước được bình định