Definition of refuse


từ chối, khước từ


Definition of undefined

The word "refuse" has a fascinating etymology! The term originated in the 14th century from the Old French word "refuser," which meant "to turn back or reject." This Old French word is derived from the Latin phrase "refusare," which means "to deny or reject." In the Middle English period, the word "refuse" was used to mean "to turn back or decline" something, whether it was an offer, a request, or an action. Over time, the meaning of the word shifted to refer to the act of rejecting or declining something, as well as the thing itself that has been rejected. Today, the word "refuse" can be used as both a verb and a noun, and its meaning is much broader, encompassing not only rejection but also waste, trash, or discarded materials. Despite its evolution, the fundamental sense of turning away or rejecting something remains at the heart of the word's meaning.


indicate or show that one is not willing to do something

chỉ ra hoặc cho thấy rằng một người không sẵn sàng làm điều gì đó

  • I refused to answer

    Tôi từ chối trả lời

  • he was severely beaten when he refused

    anh ấy đã bị đánh đập nghiêm trọng khi anh ấy từ chối

matter thrown away or rejected as worthless; rubbish

vật chất bị vứt bỏ hoặc bị từ chối coi như vô giá trị; rác

  • heaps of refuse

    đống rác thải

  • refuse collection

    từ chối thu thập