Definition of forbid


ngăn cấm


The word "forbid," which means to prohibit or prevent something, has its origins in Old English. In Old English, the word was "forbiddan," which comprised of two roots: "for-," meaning "again" or "previously," and "biddan," meaning "to say" or "to command." The Old English word "forbiddan" represented the past tense and past participle of the verb "forbidden," which was "forbidden" in Old English. In Middle English, the word became "forbidden" as well as "forbiaden" and "forbeden," with "forbidden" being the prevalent spelling by the 15th century. The etymology of the word's component roots can also be traced back to Old English. "For-" stems from "ferh," which transformed into "forh" in Old English and into "for" in Modern English. The "h" dropped from the middle of the word in spoken English at some point in the language’s evolution. "Biddan," on the other hand, comes from "biddan" in Old English, "bidon" in Middle English, and "bidden" in Early Modern English. The participle form of "bidon," "bidden," has slightly different spellings in different dialects of Old English, such as "bedon" and "bidon." Thus, "forbid" in English can be traced back about a thousand years, to when Old English speakers would say "forbiddan." The word's formation reflects the language's deep historical roots, such as the use of prefixes to add meanings to words and the gradual development of various verb forms.


to order somebody not to do something; to order that something must not be done

ra lệnh cho ai đó không làm điều gì đó; ra lệnh không được làm việc gì đó

  • He forbade them from mentioning the subject again.

    Ông cấm họ nhắc lại chủ đề này.

  • Her father forbade the marriage.

    Cha cô cấm kết hôn.

  • Smoking is strictly forbidden.

    Hút thuốc bị nghiêm cấm.

  • You cannot do that. I absolutely forbid it.

    Bạn không thể làm điều đó. Tôi tuyệt đối cấm nó.

  • You are all forbidden to leave.

    Tất cả các bạn đều bị cấm rời đi.

  • My doctor has forbidden me sugar.

    Bác sĩ của tôi đã cấm tôi ăn đường.

  • She knew her mother would forbid her going.

    Cô biết mẹ cô sẽ cấm cô đi.

Related words and phrases

to make it difficult or impossible to do something

làm cho việc gì đó trở nên khó khăn hoặc không thể thực hiện được

  • Lack of space forbids further treatment of the topic here.

    Việc thiếu không gian ngăn cản việc tiếp tục xử lý chủ đề ở đây.

Related words and phrases


God/Heaven forbid (that…)
(informal)used to say that you hope that something will not happen
  • ‘Maybe you'll end up as a lawyer, like me.’ ‘God forbid!’