Definition of repudiate


từ chối


The word "repudiate" originates from the Latin verb "repudiare," which means "to drive back" or "to reject." The Latin word is derived from the prefix "re-" meaning "back" or "again" and the verb "pudere" meaning "to be ashamed." In medieval times, "repudiare" was used primarily to describe the act of rejecting a marriage proposal, which could occur for a variety of reasons, including impotence, adultery, or simply failure to meet the expectations of the proposing party. The Latin term was later adopted into various European languages, including French, Italian, and Spanish, where it continued to be used in a similar sense. In English, "repudiate" first appeared in the 16th century, where it was primarily used in legal contexts to describe the act of rejecting or renouncing a legal obligation or agreement. Over time, the word's usage expanded to include other senses, such as rejecting an accusation or denial of a proposition, as well as more general senses of rejecting or denying something as a whole. Today, "repudiate" is widely used in English and other European languages, with similar meanings across different contexts, from legal and political spheres to everyday speech. In summary, "repudiate" derives from the Latin verb "repudiare," which means "to drive back" or "to reject," and has evolved over time to encompass a range of meanings in English and other European languages related to the act of rejecting or denying something.


to refuse to accept something

từ chối chấp nhận cái gì đó

  • to repudiate a suggestion

    bác bỏ một lời đề nghị

  • Socialism had been repudiated at the polls.

    Chủ nghĩa xã hội đã bị bác bỏ tại các cuộc bầu cử.

  • Borrowers have begun repudiating their debt obligations.

    Người đi vay đã bắt đầu từ bỏ nghĩa vụ nợ của họ.

  • The buyer is entitled to repudiate the contract within a reasonable period of time.

    Người mua có quyền từ chối hợp đồng trong một khoảng thời gian hợp lý.

Related words and phrases

to say officially and/or publicly that something is not true

nói một cách chính thức và/hoặc công khai rằng điều gì đó không đúng

  • to repudiate a report

    bác bỏ một báo cáo

Related words and phrases

to refuse to be connected with somebody any longer

từ chối kết nối với ai đó nữa

  • His party repudiated him after the scandal.

    Đảng của ông đã từ chối ông sau vụ bê bối.

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