Definition of garbage


lòng, ruột (thú)


Definition of undefined

The word "garbage" has a long and fascinating history! The term originated in the Middle English period, around the 14th century, from the Old French word "garbace" or "garbis," meaning "rubbish" or "refuse." The Old French word itself came from the Latin "garrbicium," which was a diminutive form of "garrbus," meaning "waste" or "scraps." Over time, the spelling and pronunciation of the word evolved into "garbage," which was first used in English to describe a heap of waste or discarded materials. In the 15th century, the term took on a more stringent definition, referring specifically to kitchen waste, such as food scraps and vegetable peels. Throughout history, the meaning of "garbage" has expanded to include a wide range of discarded materials, from hazardous waste to industrial waste, and even electronic waste. Today, the word "garbage" is widely used globally to describe any unwanted or discarded material.


waste food, paper, etc. that you throw away

lãng phí thức ăn, giấy, v.v. mà bạn vứt đi

  • garbage collection

    thu gom rác thải

  • Don't forget to take out the garbage.

    Đừng quên vứt rác.

Extra examples:
  • During the crisis, garbage was not collected.

    Trong thời kỳ khủng hoảng, rác không được thu gom.

  • Someone just dumped their garbage into my backyard.

    Ai đó vừa vứt rác vào sân sau nhà tôi.

  • There was garbage strewn around everywhere.

    Rác thải vương vãi khắp nơi.

  • We picked up all the garbage we could find.

    Chúng tôi đã nhặt tất cả rác mà chúng tôi có thể tìm thấy.

  • The canal is full of garbage and bits of wood.

    Con kênh đầy rác và mảnh gỗ.

  • You could see the rats moving about on the garbage dump.

    Bạn có thể thấy những con chuột di chuyển trên bãi rác.

a place or container where waste food, paper, etc. can be placed

một nơi hoặc thùng chứa có thể đặt chất thải thực phẩm, giấy, vv

  • Throw it in the garbage.

    Vứt nó vào thùng rác.

something stupid or not true

điều gì đó ngu ngốc hoặc không đúng sự thật

  • ‘You mean you believe all that garbage?’ he said.

    “Ý bạn là bạn tin tất cả những thứ rác rưởi đó à?” anh ấy nói.

Extra examples:
  • It's mostly the same old garbage.

    Nó chủ yếu là rác cũ.

  • The second series was a piece of garbage.

    Phần thứ hai thực sự là rác rưởi.

  • This movie is pure garbage.

    Bộ phim này hoàn toàn là rác rưởi.

  • She just watches garbage on TV all day.

    Cô ấy chỉ xem rác trên TV cả ngày.

  • That's complete garbage!

    Đó hoàn toàn là rác rưởi!

  • There was a lot of garbage reported about me in the newspapers.

    Có rất nhiều điều rác rưởi được đưa tin về tôi trên báo chí.

Related words and phrases


garbage in, garbage out
used to express the idea that if wrong or poor quality data, material or effort is put into something, wrong or poor quality results will come out of it