Definition of bereft


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The word "bereft" has a rich history dating back to the 14th century. It comes from the Old French word "desfecha," which means "to strip or divest." This Old French term was derived from the Latin phrase "desfacere," meaning "to undo or unmake." Initially, the word "bereft" meant to take away or strip someone or something of something, often in a physical sense. Over time, the meaning expanded to include emotional and metaphorical senses, such as being deprived of happiness, peace, or one's senses. Today, "bereft" is often used to describe a state of being removed from something or someone, often in a context that is negative or sorrowful.


completely without something; having lost something

hoàn toàn không có cái gì đó; đã mất một cái gì đó

  • bereft of ideas/hope

    mất hết ý tưởng/hy vọng

sad and lonely because you have lost something

buồn và cô đơn vì bạn đã mất đi thứ gì đó

  • He was utterly bereft when his wife died.

    Ông vô cùng đau buồn khi vợ ông qua đời.

  • The shock of his departure had left her feeling alone and bereft.

    Cú sốc vì sự ra đi của anh khiến cô cảm thấy cô đơn và trống trải.