Definition of sorrowful


buồn bã


The English word "sorrowful" originated from the Old English word "sorgfull," which consisted of two parts: "sorg" meaning sorrow or anguish, and "full" meaning full or complete. This compound word emerged around the 10th century, and its meaning remained largely unchanged throughout Middle English and early Modern English. The word's etymological roots can be traced back to the Old Norse word "sorgiligr," which had a similar meaning. This shared origin highlights the historical connections between the English and Old Norse languages, which were influences on each other during the Viking Age. The use of "sorrowful" to describe someone's emotional state most likely emerged during the Middle English period around the 13th century. During this time, there was an increased emphasis on human emotions and psychological states, which is reflected in the development of new vocabulary related to emotional expression. The Middle English language was also influenced by French, and the Norman Conquest in 1066 facilitated the introduction of many French words into the English language. It is possible that the Old French word "sorrowel" or "sorourel" contributed to the development of the English word "sorrowful," as there are similarities in pronunciation and meaning. In summary, the word "sorrowful" originated from the Old English word "sorgfull," which combined the Old Norse word "sorgiligr" with the Old English word "full." Its use to describe emotional states likely emerged during the Middle English period, and it reflects the influence of Old French and Norse on the English language.

  • Her face was sorrowful as she learned of her loved one's passing.

    Khuôn mặt bà buồn bã khi biết tin người thân yêu của mình qua đời.

  • His heart ached with sorrowful longing for a future that could never be.

    Trái tim anh đau nhói vì nỗi khao khát buồn bã về một tương lai không bao giờ có thể xảy ra.

  • The orphanage was filled with sorrowful children who had lost everything they had ever known.

    Trại trẻ mồ côi tràn ngập những đứa trẻ đau buồn đã mất đi mọi thứ chúng từng biết.

  • The singer's voice was sorrowful as she poured out her heart in a haunting melody.

    Giọng ca của nữ ca sĩ buồn bã khi cô trút hết nỗi lòng của mình vào một giai điệu ám ảnh.

  • The author wrote of a sorrowful past, filled with regrets and heartache.

    Tác giả viết về một quá khứ đau buồn, đầy hối tiếc và đau lòng.

  • The ceremony was somber and sorrowful, filled with the knowledge of an impending loss.

    Buổi lễ diễn ra trong không khí u ám và buồn bã, tràn ngập nỗi lo về một mất mát sắp xảy ra.

  • The family sat in stern silence, their sorrowful expressions speaking volumes.

    Cả gia đình ngồi im lặng, vẻ mặt buồn bã của họ nói lên rất nhiều điều.

  • The paintings in the gallery told a sorrowful story of loss and despair.

    Những bức tranh trong phòng trưng bày kể lại câu chuyện buồn về mất mát và tuyệt vọng.

  • The poetry conveyed a sorrowful message of love and loss, forever interlinked.

    Bài thơ truyền tải thông điệp buồn về tình yêu và mất mát, mãi mãi gắn kết với nhau.

  • The sorrowful thoughts consumed her, leaving little room for anything else.

    Những suy nghĩ buồn bã chiếm hết tâm trí cô, không còn chỗ cho bất cứ điều gì khác.