Definition of meanly


hèn hạ


"Meanly" originates from the Old English word "mēne," meaning "common, ordinary, middle." Over time, this evolved into "mean" with senses of "low, base, worthless," and "unworthy of respect." The adjective "mean" then gave rise to the adverb "meanly," meaning "in a mean or despicable manner," highlighting actions characterized by lack of generosity, kindness, or nobility.


in a way that is unkind

theo cách không tử tế

  • I have never been treated so rudely and meanly in my life.

    Tôi chưa bao giờ bị đối xử thô lỗ và hèn hạ như vậy trong đời.

in a way that is not generous

theo cách không hào phóng

  • He meanly refused to contribute to the fund.

    Anh ta có ý từ chối đóng góp vào quỹ.

looking poor

trông nghèo nàn

  • meanly dressed/furnished

    ăn mặc/đầy đủ đồ đạc tồi tàn