Definition of unpleasantly


khó chịu


"Unpleasantly" is a word formed by adding the prefix "un-" to the adjective "pleasantly." "Pleasant" originates from the Old French word "plaisant," meaning "agreeable, pleasing." The "un-" prefix, meaning "not," was added to "pleasantly" to create the opposite meaning - "not pleasantly" or "in a disagreeable way." Therefore, "unpleasantly" describes something that causes discomfort or displeasure.


in a way that is not pleasant or comfortable

theo một cách đó không phải là dễ chịu hoặc thoải mái

  • The drink is very sweet, but not unpleasantly so.

    Đồ uống rất ngọt nhưng không gây khó chịu.

Related words and phrases

in a way that is not kind, friendly or polite

theo cách không tử tế, thân thiện hoặc lịch sự

  • He laughed unpleasantly.

    Anh cười một cách khó chịu.

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