Definition of disagreeable


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The word "disagreeable" has its roots in the 15th century. It comes from the Latin words "dis-" meaning "opposite" or "against", and "agreare" meaning "to please" or "to be agreeable". In the early 15th century, the word "disagreeable" emerged in Middle English as a combination of these Latin roots. Initially, it meant "not pleasant" or "unpleasant", conveying the idea of something that is opposite or contrary to what is pleasing or agreeable. Over time, the meaning of "disagreeable" expanded to include the sense of unpleasant or annoying company, or someone whose behavior or manner is disagreeable. Today, the word is often used to describe a person or situation that is unpleasant, irritating, or difficult to tolerate. Despite its evolution, the core idea of "disagreeable" remains tied to its Latin roots, conveying a sense of opposition or contrast to what is pleasing or agreeable.


not nice or pleasant

không đẹp hay dễ chịu

  • a disagreeable smell/experience/job

    một mùi/trải nghiệm/công việc khó chịu

Extra examples:
  • He had the disagreeable job of identifying the body.

    Anh ta có công việc khó chịu là xác định danh tính thi thể.

  • It was one of the most disagreeable experiences she had ever had.

    Đó là một trong những trải nghiệm khó chịu nhất mà cô từng trải qua.

Related words and phrases

rude and unfriendly

thô lỗ và không thân thiện

  • a disagreeable bad-tempered man

    một người đàn ông xấu tính khó chịu

  • Are you always as disagreeable as this when you don’t get what you want?

    Bạn có luôn khó chịu như thế này khi không đạt được điều mình muốn không?

  • a rather disagreeable man

    một người đàn ông khá khó chịu

Related words and phrases