Definition of in detail

in detailidiomatic

tường tận, tỉ mỉ

Definition of undefined

The word "in" originates from the Old English word "in", meaning "in, into, within". It's related to the Proto-Germanic word "innan", meaning "inside", and the Proto-Indo-European root "*en", meaning "in, on, within". The word "in" has a long and rich history, appearing in various forms across many Indo-European languages. It's one of the most basic and versatile words in the English language, used to indicate location, direction, and state.


as regards every feature or aspect; fully

liên quan đến mọi tính năng hoặc khía cạnh; đầy đủ

  • we will have to examine the proposals in detail

    chúng tôi sẽ phải kiểm tra các đề xuất một cách chi tiết