Definition of hazily


mơ hồ


The word "hazily" has its origin in the 15th century. It comes from the Old English word "hæsile," which means "misty" or "foggy." This word is derived from the Proto-Germanic word "*hasilaz," which is also the source of the Modern English word "haze." Over time, the spelling of the word evolved from "hæsile" to "hasily" and eventually to "hazily." In the 16th century, "hazily" acquired its current meaning of "in a vague or unclear manner." It is often used to describe something that is indefinite, unclear, or hard to define. For example, "The plans for the project were hazily defined, leaving many details unclear." Today, "hazily" is a common adverb used to describe a range of phenomena, from a someone's memory to a company's business strategy.


in a way that is not clear because of haze

theo một cách không rõ ràng vì sương mù

  • The sun was shining hazily through the palm leaves.

    Ánh nắng mặt trời chiếu mờ ảo qua những tán lá cọ.

in a way that is not clear because of a lack of memory, understanding or detail

theo cách không rõ ràng vì thiếu trí nhớ, hiểu biết hoặc chi tiết

  • This all seems hazily familiar.

    Tất cả những điều này có vẻ quen thuộc một cách mơ hồ.

Related words and phrases

in a way that is uncertain or confused

theo một cách không chắc chắn hoặc khó hiểu

  • ‘Why now?’ she wondered hazily.

    "Tại sao lại là bây giờ?" cô mơ hồ tự hỏi.