Definition of ambiguous


mơ hồ


The word "ambiguous" has its roots in Latin. The Latin word "ambiguus" means "of two ways" or "double-minded," and is derived from "ambo," meaning "both," and "agus," meaning "way" or "path." In ancient Roman law, an "ambiguous" property referred to one that was bordered by two different jurisdictions or properties, making it unclear which one it truly belonged to. The Latin term was later adopted into Middle English as "ambiguous," initially carrying the sense of being uncertain or unclear in meaning. Over time, the meaning broadened to encompass a range of situations where something can be interpreted in more than one way, including words, phrases, or messages with multiple possible meanings. Today, "ambiguous" is widely used to describe situations or language that can be open to multiple interpretations.


that can be understood in more than one way; having different meanings

điều đó có thể được hiểu theo nhiều cách; có ý nghĩa khác nhau

  • an ambiguous word/term/statement

    một từ/thuật ngữ/tuyên bố mơ hồ

  • Her account was deliberately ambiguous.

    Tài khoản của cô ấy cố tình mơ hồ.

Extra examples:
  • The paragraph is rendered ambiguous by the writer's careless use of pronouns.

    Đoạn văn trở nên mơ hồ do người viết sử dụng đại từ một cách cẩu thả.

  • It is for the jury to decide what an ambiguous statement was intended to mean.

    Bồi thẩm đoàn có quyền quyết định ý nghĩa của một tuyên bố mơ hồ.

not clearly stated or defined

không được nêu hoặc xác định rõ ràng

  • His role has always been ambiguous.

    Vai trò của anh ấy luôn mơ hồ.