Definition of misty




The word "misty" has its roots in Old English, dating back to around the 5th century. The word "mist" comes from the Old English word "mist", which referred to a fog, haze, or vapour. This word is also related to the Old English word "miste", meaning "to be misty or foggy". The adjective "misty" has been in use since around the 14th century, originally meaning "covered with mist" or " foggy". Over time, the meaning of the word has expanded to include the idea of being vague, unclear, or ambiguous, as in "a misty memory" or "a misty idea". Today, the word is commonly used to describe landscapes, atmospheres, or even emotions that are shrouded in a sense of mystery or uncertainty.


with a lot of mist

với rất nhiều sương mù

  • a misty morning

    một buổi sáng mù sương

  • She peered through the misty light at the approaching car.

    Cô nhìn qua làn ánh sáng mờ ảo về phía chiếc ô tô đang lao tới.

not clear or bright

không rõ ràng hoặc tươi sáng

  • misty memories

    ký ức mù sương

  • His eyes grew misty (= full of tears) as he talked.

    Đôi mắt của anh ấy trở nên mờ ảo (= đầy nước mắt) khi anh ấy nói chuyện.

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