Definition of urbanization


đô thị hóa


The term "urbanization" has its roots in the Latin words "urbs," meaning city, and "izare," meaning to make or cause to become. The word was first coined in the 19th century, when many people began moving from rural areas to cities due to factors such as industrialization, technological advancements, and economic opportunities. The process of urbanization refers to the rapid growth and transformation of cities and their surrounding areas, as people and businesses migrate to urban areas in search of better living conditions, education, healthcare, and employment opportunities. Urbanization has had a profound impact on society, leading to the development of new social structures, cultural practices, and economic systems. Today, urbanization is a global trend, with the majority of the world's population living in urban areas.


the process in which towns, streets, factories, etc. are built where there was once countryside

quá trình xây dựng các thị trấn, đường phố, nhà máy, v.v. ở nơi từng là vùng nông thôn

  • a time of rapid urbanization and industrialization

    thời kỳ đô thị hóa và công nghiệp hóa nhanh chóng

the process in which more and more people start to live and work in towns and cities rather than in the country

quá trình ngày càng có nhiều người bắt đầu sống và làm việc ở các thị trấn và thành phố thay vì ở nông thôn

  • the increasing urbanization of Africans

    sự đô thị hóa ngày càng tăng của người châu Phi