Definition of density


Tỉ trọng


The word "density" has its roots in the Latin word "densitas," which means "density" or "thickness." This Latin word is derived from "dens," meaning "thick" or "close together." The term was first used in the 15th century to describe the thickness or concentration of material, such as the density of a liquid or a solid. In the 17th century, the term "density" was also used in a mathematical sense to describe the amount of mass per unit volume of a substance. This concept was developed by Sir Isaac Newton and was further refined by other scientists, such as Joseph-Louis Lagrange and Pierre-Simon Laplace. Today, the term "density" is widely used in various fields, including physics, chemistry, and engineering, to describe the mass per unit volume of a substance or object. It is an important concept in understanding the properties and behavior of materials and is used in a wide range of applications, from designing buildings and bridges to understanding the behavior of the universe.


the quality of being dense; the degree to which something is dense

chất lượng dày đặc; mức độ mà một cái gì đó dày đặc

  • The population density in this city is very high.

    Mật độ dân số ở thành phố này rất cao.

  • low density forest

    rừng mật độ thấp

  • an average density of 2.4 people per hectare

    mật độ trung bình 2,4 người/ha

how thick a solid, liquid or gas is, measured by its mass per unit of volume

độ dày của chất rắn, chất lỏng hoặc chất khí, được đo bằng khối lượng của nó trên một đơn vị thể tích

  • the density of a gas

    mật độ của một chất khí

Extra examples:
  • similar stars of the same mass and density

    những ngôi sao tương tự có cùng khối lượng và mật độ

  • Vitamin D deficiency causes a loss of bone density.

    Thiếu vitamin D gây mất mật độ xương.

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