Definition of congestion


sự tắc nghẽn


The origin of the word "congestion" dates back to the 16th century when it was used to describe a medical condition in which bodily fluids were thought to accumulate, causing blockages or obstructions. The meaning of the word has evolved over time, now being used to describe a wide range of situations where something becomes overcrowded, blocked, or filled to excess. The word "congestion" is derived from the Latin word "congestus," meaning "compacted together" or "pressed close." This root can also be found in other English words, such as "congestive" and "congestively." The term came into widespread use in the 19th century to describe physiological disorders, particularly those affecting the respiratory system. It was during this time that new medical technologies, such as stethoscopes, enabled doctors to better understand and diagnose conditions like bronchitis and asthma, which were characterized by excess mucus or phlegm in the airways. Today, the term is commonly used to refer to a wide range of situations beyond medical contexts, including traffic congestion, congested crowds in public places, and overloaded networks or systems. Its meaning continues to evolve as new technologies and social contexts emerge, reflecting the ever-changing nature of human experiences.


the state of being crowded and full of traffic

tình trạng đông đúc và đầy xe cộ

  • traffic congestion and pollution

    ùn tắc giao thông và ô nhiễm

Extra examples:
  • Engineers are hoping network congestion will become a thing of the past.

    Các kỹ sư đang hy vọng tắc nghẽn mạng sẽ trở thành quá khứ.

  • Parking near the school causes severe traffic congestion.

    Đỗ xe gần trường gây ùn tắc giao thông nghiêm trọng.

  • a study of downtown traffic congestion

    nghiên cứu tình trạng ùn tắc giao thông ở trung tâm thành phố

  • measures to ease the increasing congestion in Hong Kong

    Các biện pháp nhằm giảm bớt tình trạng tắc nghẽn ngày càng tăng ở Hồng Kông

  • the nation's dependence on cars and the resulting highway congestion

    sự phụ thuộc của quốc gia vào ô tô và hậu quả là tắc nghẽn đường cao tốc

  • Better public transport would help ease traffic congestion.

    Giao thông công cộng tốt hơn sẽ giúp giảm bớt tắc nghẽn giao thông.

  • Expect severe congestion on the approach to the freeway this morning.

    Dự kiến ​​tình trạng tắc nghẽn nghiêm trọng trên đường vào xa lộ sáng nay.

  • Heavy congestion was reported on many motorways.

    Tình trạng ùn tắc nghiêm trọng xảy ra trên nhiều tuyến đường cao tốc.

the state of part of the body being blocked with blood or mucus

tình trạng một phần cơ thể bị tắc nghẽn bởi máu hoặc chất nhầy

  • congestion of the lungs

    tắc nghẽn phổi

  • medicine to relieve nasal congestion

    thuốc làm giảm nghẹt mũi