Definition of submerge


làm ngập


The word "submerge" has a rich history. It comes from the Old French "submerger", which is a combination of "sub-" (meaning "under" or "below") and "merger" (meaning "to flood" or "to overflow"). This Old French term was derived from the Late Latin "submergere", which is a combination of "sub" (under) and "mergere" (to dip or plunge). The word "submerge" has been in the English language since the 15th century, and its primary meaning is to overwhelm or engulf something completely, often with water, so that it is no longer visible or accessible. Over time, the word has also been used metaphorically to describe the process of becoming or feeling overwhelmed by circumstances or emotions. I hope that helps!


to go under the surface of water or liquid; to put something or make something go under the surface of water or liquid

đi dưới mặt nước hoặc chất lỏng; đặt cái gì đó hoặc làm cái gì đó chìm dưới bề mặt của nước hoặc chất lỏng

  • The submarine had had time to submerge before the warship could approach.

    Chiếc tàu ngầm đã có thời gian lặn xuống trước khi tàu chiến kịp tiếp cận.

  • The fields had been submerged by floodwater.

    Cánh đồng bị nước lũ nhấn chìm.

  • Her submerged car was discovered in the river by police divers.

    Chiếc xe ngập nước của cô được thợ lặn cảnh sát phát hiện dưới sông.

  • Hippopotamuses cool down by submerging themselves in water.

    Hà mã hạ nhiệt bằng cách ngâm mình trong nước.

to hide ideas, feelings, opinions, etc. completely

để che giấu ý tưởng, cảm xúc, ý kiến, vv hoàn toàn

  • Doubts that had been submerged in her mind suddenly resurfaced.

    Những nghi ngờ vốn chìm trong tâm trí cô đột nhiên lại nổi lên.