Definition of drown


chết chìm


The word "drown" has its roots in Old English and Germanic languages. It is a verb that means to cause someone or something to sink or become submerged in water, often referring to a fatal or near-fatal situation. The Old English word "drūnan" means "to dip" or "to plunge," and it is related to the word "drūn," which means "stream" or "brook." This etymology suggests that the word may have originally referred to the act of dipping or plunging something into water. In Middle English (circa 1100-1500), the word "drown" emerged as "drunen," which retained its sense of sinking or becoming submerged. Over time, the meaning of "drown" expanded to include the idea of being overcome or overwhelmed, as in the phrase "drown out the sound." Despite this expanded meaning, the word's origins remain rooted in its connection to water and the act of sinking or becoming submerged.


to die because you have been underwater too long and you cannot breathe; to kill somebody by holding them underwater

chết vì ở dưới nước quá lâu và không thở được; giết ai đó bằng cách giữ họ dưới nước

  • Two children drowned after falling into the river.

    Hai trẻ em chết đuối sau khi rơi xuống sông.

  • He had attempted to rescue the drowning man.

    Anh ta đã cố gắng giải cứu người đàn ông đang chết đuối.

  • She tried to drown herself.

    Cô đã cố gắng nhấn chìm chính mình.

  • They had drowned the unwanted kittens.

    Họ đã dìm chết những chú mèo con không mong muốn.

  • He was drowned at sea.

    Anh ta bị chết đuối trên biển.

Extra examples:
  • The ship's captain refused to leave them to drown.

    Thuyền trưởng của con tàu không chịu để họ chết đuối.

  • They were commended for saving a four-year-old from drowning.

    Họ được khen ngợi vì đã cứu một đứa trẻ bốn tuổi khỏi chết đuối.

to make something very wet; to completely cover something in water or another liquid

làm cho cái gì đó thật ướt át; để hoàn toàn bao phủ một cái gì đó trong nước hoặc chất lỏng khác

  • The fruit was drowned in cream.

    Trái cây chìm trong kem.

Related words and phrases

to be louder than other sounds so that you cannot hear them

to hơn những âm thanh khác để bạn không thể nghe thấy chúng

  • She turned up the radio to drown out the noise from next door.

    Cô bật radio lên để át tiếng ồn từ nhà bên cạnh.

  • His words were drowned out by jeers and whistling.

    Lời nói của anh ta bị át đi bởi những tiếng chế nhạo và huýt sáo.


be drowning in something
to have so much of something that you cannot deal with it
  • We're drowning in applications so please don't write in.
  • drown your fears/loneliness/sorrows, etc.
    to get drunk in order to forget your problems