Definition of immerse




The word "immerse" has its roots in Latin. The Latin verb "immergere" means "to dip" or "to submerge", and it's composed of "in" (meaning "into") and "mergere" (meaning "to dip" or "to go into the water"). The Latin verb was used to describe the act of dipping something into a liquid, such as a vessel or a body of water. The modern English word "immerse" emerged from the Latin verb in the 14th century. Initially, it referred specifically to the act of dipping or submerging something into a liquid. Over time, the meaning of the word expanded to include figurative senses, such as being completely absorbed or engaged in an activity, idea, or environment. Today, "immerse" is commonly used to describe the act of fully engaging with something, whether it's a hobby, a language, or a new experience.


to put somebody/something into a liquid, especially so that they or it are completely covered

đặt ai/cái gì vào chất lỏng, đặc biệt là để chúng hoặc nó được bao phủ hoàn toàn

  • The seeds will swell when immersed in water.

    Hạt sẽ phồng lên khi ngâm trong nước.

Extra examples:
  • If you burn or scald yourself, immediately immerse the affected part in cold water.

    Nếu bạn bị bỏng hoặc bỏng nước, hãy ngâm ngay bộ phận bị ảnh hưởng vào nước lạnh.

  • The specimen should be immersed in ethanol.

    Mẫu thử phải được ngâm trong etanol.

  • Trim the leaf ends from the aubergines and immerse them in a saucepan.

    Cắt bỏ phần đầu lá của cà tím và ngâm chúng vào nồi.

to become or make somebody completely involved in something

trở thành hoặc làm cho ai đó hoàn toàn tham gia vào cái gì đó

  • She immersed herself in her work.

    Cô đắm mình vào công việc của mình.

  • I immediately immersed myself in the task.

    Tôi ngay lập tức đắm mình vào nhiệm vụ.

  • Clare and Phil were immersed in conversation in the corner.

    Clare và Phil đang say sưa trò chuyện trong góc.