Definition of descend




The word "descend" has its roots in Latin. The Latin verb "descendere" means "to go down" or "to come down from a higher place to a lower one." This verb is a combination of "de," meaning "down" or "away from," and "scendere," which is the third person singular present tense of "scire," meaning "to know" or "to go." When Latin was translated into Middle English, the word "descend" became the standard translation of "descendere." Over time, the spelling of the word changed, but its meaning remained the same. Today, "descend" can be used as a verb or a noun. As a verb, it means to go down or move downward from a higher place to a lower one.


to come or go down from a higher to a lower level

đến hoặc đi xuống từ mức cao hơn đến mức thấp hơn

  • The plane began to descend.

    Máy bay bắt đầu hạ xuống.

  • The results, ranked in descending order (= from the highest to the lowest) are as follows…

    Kết quả, được xếp theo thứ tự giảm dần (= từ cao nhất đến thấp nhất) như sau…

  • She descended the stairs slowly.

    Cô bước xuống cầu thang một cách chậm rãi.

Related words and phrases

to slope downwards

dốc xuống

  • At this point the path descends steeply.

    Lúc này đường đi xuống dốc.

Related words and phrases

to arrive and begin to affect somebody/something

đến và bắt đầu ảnh hưởng đến ai/cái gì

  • Night descends quickly in the tropics.

    Màn đêm buông xuống nhanh chóng ở vùng nhiệt đới.

  • Calm descended on the crowd.

    Sự bình tĩnh bao trùm đám đông.

Related words and phrases