Definition of prospectus


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The word "prospectus" originated from the Latin word "prospectus," which literally means "looked at beforehand" or "to look forward to." In its original sense, it referred to the act of "viewing beforehand" or "inspecting in advance," as with the way sailors would "prospect" the horizon for approaching ships. The term "prospectus," in its modern financial sense, comes from its use as a legal document for selling new securities, beginning in the late 17th century in the Netherlands. The prospectus was originally used to inform potential investors of the details of the company's financial position, its management structure, and the risks and returns associated with the investment, thus allowing investors to make an "informed prospectus" of the investment's potential value. The first use of the term "prospectus" in an English-language context was recorded in a British statute, the Bubble Act of 1720, which was passed in response to a series of financial frauds known as the South Sea Company bubble. The act required any company selling securities to the public to publish a prospectus outlining the company's financial position and proposals, in order to prevent further frauds and provide greater protection for investors. Since then, the use of the term "prospectus" in financial contexts has evolved to include more specific connotations, such as the legal document used to issue new securities to the public, or a statement outlining a company's proposed plans for a merger or acquisition. However, the underlying concept of "viewing beforehand" or "inspecting in advance" remains a key part of the term's meaning, reflecting the important role of transparency and disclosure in the modern financial system.


a book, document or web page that gives information about a school, college, etc. in order to advertise it

một cuốn sách, tài liệu hoặc trang web cung cấp thông tin về trường học, cao đẳng, v.v. để quảng cáo nó

a document that gives information about a company’s shares before they are offered for sale

một tài liệu cung cấp thông tin về cổ phiếu của một công ty trước khi chúng được chào bán