Definition of financials


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The word "financials" is a relatively recent term that is believed to have originated in the United States in the late 19th or early 20th century. It is derived from the Latin words "finis," meaning "end" or "limit," and "ian," meaning "pertaining to." In the context of business and finance, "financials" refers to the financial reports and statements of a company, including its income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement. Before the 20th century, these reports were often referred to as "accounts" or "financial statements." The term "financials" gained popularity in the mid-20th century as the complexity of corporate finance increased, and companies began to produce more comprehensive and detailed financial reports to investors and stakeholders. Today, "financials" is widely used in the financial world to refer to the key financial metrics and reports that help shape investment decisions and business strategy.


the money situation of an organization or individual

tình hình tiền bạc của một tổ chức hoặc cá nhân

  • Reviewing the financials of a company will provide performance evaluations.

    Việc xem xét tình hình tài chính của một công ty sẽ cung cấp đánh giá hiệu suất.

shares in companies that deal in money

cổ phiếu của các công ty kinh doanh tiền tệ

  • The fund is invested in energy companies, financials and consumer stocks.

    Quỹ này đầu tư vào các công ty năng lượng, tài chính và cổ phiếu tiêu dùng.