Definition of own


của chính mình, tự mình, nhận, nhìn nhận


Definition of undefined

The word "own" has its roots in Old English and is derived from the Proto-Germanic word "*ainaz," which was also the source of the Modern German word "eigen." This Proto-Germanic word is believed to be derived from the Proto-Indo-European root "*ai-," which meant "to go" or "to take." In Old English, the word "own" was used to indicate possession or ownership, and it was often used in combination with other words to form phrases such as "own land" or "own kin." Over time, the spelling and meaning of the word evolved, and it eventually became the modern English word "own" that we use today to indicate possession or control. Interestingly, the word "own" has a closely related meaning to another Old English word "owe," which meant "to owe" or "to own." This connection highlights the importance of possession and ownership in the linguistic and cultural heritage of the English language.


used to emphasize that something belongs to or is connected with somebody

được sử dụng để nhấn mạnh rằng một cái gì đó thuộc về hoặc được kết nối với ai đó

  • It was her own idea.

    Đó là ý tưởng của riêng cô ấy.

  • I saw it with my own eyes (= I didn't hear about it from somebody else).

    Tôi đã tận mắt nhìn thấy nó (= tôi chưa từng nghe về nó từ người khác).

  • Is the car your own?

    Chiếc xe có phải là của riêng bạn không?

  • Your day off is your own (= you can spend it as you wish).

    Ngày nghỉ của bạn là của riêng bạn (= bạn có thể chi tiêu nó theo ý muốn).

  • He desperately wants to live his own life (= be independent and do whatever he wants).

    Anh ấy rất muốn sống cuộc sống của riêng mình (= độc lập và làm bất cứ điều gì anh ấy muốn).

  • Our children are grown up and have children of their own.

    Con cái chúng tôi đã lớn và có con riêng.

  • For reasons of his own (= particular reasons that perhaps only he knew about), he refused to join the club.

    Vì những lý do riêng của anh ấy (= những lý do cụ thể mà có lẽ chỉ anh ấy biết), anh ấy đã từ chối tham gia câu lạc bộ.

  • The accident happened through no fault of her own.

    Tai nạn xảy ra không phải do lỗi của cô ấy.

  • He wants to come into the business on his own terms.

    Anh ấy muốn tham gia kinh doanh theo cách riêng của mình.

  • I need a room of my own.

    Tôi cần một căn phòng của riêng mình.

  • I have my very own room at last.

    Cuối cùng tôi cũng có phòng riêng của mình.

  • their own personal/unique/private beliefs

    niềm tin cá nhân/độc nhất/riêng tư của họ

  • He was determined to go his own way.

    Anh quyết tâm đi theo con đường riêng của mình.

  • I was almost completely in my own little world.

    Tôi gần như hoàn toàn chìm đắm trong thế giới nhỏ bé của riêng mình.

  • Most people want to live in their own homes as they age.

    Hầu hết mọi người muốn sống trong nhà riêng của họ khi họ già đi.

done or produced by and for yourself

được thực hiện hoặc sản xuất bởi và cho chính bạn

  • She makes all her own clothes.

    Cô ấy tự may tất cả quần áo cho mình.

  • He has to cook his own meals.

    Anh ấy phải tự nấu bữa ăn cho mình.


come into your/its own
to have the opportunity to show how good or useful you are or something is
  • When the traffic's this bad, a bicycle really comes into its own.
  • the devil looks after his own
    (saying)bad people often seem to have good luck
    get your own back (on somebody)
    (informal)to do something to somebody in return for harm they have done to you; to get revenge
  • I'll get my own back on him one day, I swear!
  • have a mind of your own
    (humorous)to have your own opinion and make your own decisions without being influenced by other people
  • She has a mind of her own and isn't afraid to say what she thinks.
  • My computer seems to have a mind of its own!
  • hold your own (against somebody/something) (in something)
    to remain in a strong position when somebody is attacking you, competing with you, etc.
  • Business isn't good but we're managing to hold our own.
  • She can hold her own against anybody in an argument.
  • The patient is holding her own although she is still very sick.
  • in your own right
    because of your personal qualifications or efforts, not because of your connection with somebody else
  • She sings with a rock band, but she's also a jazz musician in her own right.
  • like, etc. the sound of your own voice
    (disapproving)to like talking a lot or too much, usually without wanting to listen to other people
  • She’s much too fond of the sound of her own voice.
  • (all) on your own
    North American Englishalone; without anyone else
  • I'm all on my own today.
  • She lives on her own.
  • without help
  • He did it on his own.