Definition of backyard


sân sau


The term "backyard" is a compound word formed from "back" and "yard." While "yard" has a long history, dating back to Old English, "backyard" emerged relatively recently in the late 19th century. The word's origin reflects a shift in the way people viewed their homes and land. As urbanization progressed, homes became smaller and more densely packed, leading to the distinction between the "front" yard, meant for public display, and the "back" yard, a private space for leisure and personal use.


the whole area behind and belonging to a house, including an area of grass and the garden

toàn bộ khu vực phía sau và thuộc về một ngôi nhà, bao gồm diện tích bãi cỏ và khu vườn

  • He grew vegetables in his backyard.

    Anh ấy trồng rau ở sân sau nhà mình.

  • a backyard barbecue

    tiệc nướng sân sau

an area with a hard surface behind a house, often surrounded by a wall

khu vực có bề mặt cứng phía sau ngôi nhà, thường được bao quanh bởi một bức tường

  • They lived in a little terraced house with a backyard behind it and a tiny garden in front.

    Họ sống trong một ngôi nhà bậc thang nhỏ có sân sau phía sau và một khu vườn nhỏ phía trước.


in your (own) backyard
in or near the place where you live or work
  • The residents didn't want a new factory in their backyard.
  • The party leader is facing opposition in his own backyard (= from his own members).