Definition of worshipful


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The word "worshipful" has its origins in Old English and Middle English. It comes from the words "worship" (which means both "adoration" and "respect") and the suffix "-ful," which forms an adjective meaning "full of" or "characterized by." In Old English, the word "worshipful" was used to describe someone or something that inspires respect and awe. Over time, the meaning of the word expanded to include the idea of reverence or awe, typically in a religious context. In modern English, "worshipful" is often used to describe someone who holds a position of authority or respect, such as a judge (the worshipful master) or a person with a noble title (the Worshipful Company of Rope Makers).


feeling or showing that you respect or admire somebody/something very much

cảm giác hoặc thể hiện rằng bạn tôn trọng hoặc ngưỡng mộ ai đó/cái gì đó rất nhiều

used in the UK in the titles of some mayors and some groups of craftsmen

được sử dụng ở Anh trong chức danh của một số thị trưởng và một số nhóm thợ thủ công

  • the Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths

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