Definition of pious


ngoan đạo


The word "pious" originated from the Latin adjective "pious" (piōsus), which literally means "devout" or "de obligationem" (from the root "PI•-," meaning "pay"). In the context of religion, "pious" refers to a person who is devoted to their faith, follows religious principles, and honors sacred practices. The use of the word "pious" to describe religious devotion became popular in the Middle Ages, when the Catholic Church promoted the concept of "matchless devotion" (devotio (latīna), Deuţiōnā fervōr) as a means of achieving salvation. The root "PI•-" is also cognate with the Latin words "pōnere" (to pay) and "pāter" (father), highlighting the significance of religious obligations and filial devotion in its historical context. In modern usage, "pious" often carries religious or moral connotations and is associated with observance of religious or moral principles that stem from a higher authority or a sense of duty.


having or showing a deep respect for God and religion

có hoặc thể hiện sự tôn trọng sâu sắc đối với Thiên Chúa và tôn giáo

  • pious acts

    hành động ngoan đạo

Related words and phrases

pretending to be religious, moral or good in order to impress other people

giả vờ tôn giáo, đạo đức hoặc tốt để gây ấn tượng với người khác

  • pious sentiments

    tình cảm ngoan đạo

  • He dismissed his critics as pious do-gooders.

    Ông coi những người chỉ trích mình là những người ngoan đạo làm điều tốt.

  • a rather pious and condescending smile

    một nụ cười khá ngoan đạo và trịch thượng

Related words and phrases

something that you want to happen but is unlikely to be achieved

điều gì đó bạn muốn xảy ra nhưng khó có thể đạt được

  • Such reforms seem likely to remain little more than pious hopes.

    Những cải cách như vậy dường như chỉ dừng lại ở những hy vọng ngoan đạo.