sự trì trệ
/stæɡˈneɪʃn//stæɡˈneɪʃn/The word "stagnation" has its roots in Latin, specifically from the verb "stagnare," which means "to become stagnant" or "to stop moving." This Latin word is derived from "stages," which means "ponds" or "still water." In ancient times, stagnation referred to the state of a pond or lake that had become still, lifeless, and devoid of water movement. Over time, the meaning of stagnation expanded to describe a broader state of inactivity, lack of progress, or decline in a particular area, such as economics, society, or personal development. In modern times, stagnation can refer to a state of being stuck or unmoving, often with negative connotations. I hope that helps you understand the fascinating origins of the word "stagnation"!
the fact of no longer developing or making progress
thực tế là không còn phát triển hoặc tiến triển
một thời kỳ trì trệ kinh tế
the fact of not moving and therefore smelling unpleasant
thực tế là không di chuyển và do đó có mùi khó chịu
sự trì trệ của nước/không khí