Definition of immobility


sự bất động


The word "immobility" comes from the Latin words "in" meaning "not" and "mobilis" meaning "mobile" or " movable". In Latin, the word "immobilis" meant "not movable" or "fixed". This Latin term was later borrowed into Middle English as "immobility", which has retained its original meaning of a lack of movement or inability to move. In medical contexts, "immobility" often refers to a lack of movement or physical activity, particularly in a specific part of the body or as a result of an injury or illness. In a broader sense, "immobility" can also describe a lack of progress, development, or change. Throughout its history, the word has been used in various fields, including medicine, psychology, and philosophy, to describe different forms of stagnation or inactivity.


the state of not moving

trạng thái không di chuyển

  • the prolonged immobility of flight passengers during long-haul flights

    sự bất động kéo dài của hành khách trên chuyến bay đường dài

the condition of being unable to move

tình trạng không thể di chuyển

  • She suffers bouts of immobility and pain.

    Cô ấy phải chịu đựng những cơn đau và bất động.

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