Definition of blockage


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"Blockage" originates from the Old French word "blocage," which comes from the verb "bloquer," meaning "to block" or "to stop." The term "bloquer" itself is related to the Middle Dutch word "blocken" (to block) and the Old High German word "bloc" (a block). Thus, the word "blockage" literally means "the act of blocking" and conveys the idea of something being obstructed or impeded.


a thing that blocks flow or movement, for example of a liquid in a narrow place

một thứ ngăn chặn dòng chảy hoặc chuyển động, ví dụ như chất lỏng ở một nơi hẹp

  • a blockage in an artery/a pipe/a drain

    sự tắc nghẽn trong động mạch/đường ống/cống

Related words and phrases

the state of being blocked

tình trạng bị chặn

  • to cause/clear the blockage

    gây ra/làm sạch sự tắc nghẽn