Definition of plateau


cao nguyên


The word "plateau" has a fascinating etymology. It originated from the Spanish word "plato," meaning "flat dish" or "plate." In the 16th century, Spanish conquistadors used "plato" to describe the flat or table-like surfaces of high-altitude regions in South America, such as the Andes. The term was later adopted into French as "plateau," and from there it spread to other languages, including English. In geography, a plateau is a relatively flat or gently sloping area of land, often elevated above the surrounding terrain. The word has also been used in other contexts, such as to describe a period of stability or stagnation in a process or a level of achievement in a particular field. Over time, the word "plateau" has evolved to encompass its various meanings, but its roots remain rooted in the concept of a flat, elevated surface.


an area of flat land that is higher than the land around it

một vùng đất bằng phẳng cao hơn vùng đất xung quanh nó

  • The summit is a windswept plateau of scattered rocks.

    Đỉnh núi là một cao nguyên lộng gió với những tảng đá rải rác.

  • From a narrow fringe of coastal plain, the main island rises to a central plateau.

    Từ một dải đồng bằng ven biển hẹp, hòn đảo chính vươn lên thành một cao nguyên trung tâm.

a time of little or no change after a period of growth or progress

thời gian ít hoặc không có thay đổi sau một thời gian tăng trưởng hoặc tiến triển

  • Inflation has reached a plateau.

    Lạm phát đã đạt đến ngưỡng ổn định.

  • The children's standard of reading seems to have reached a plateau.

    Trình độ đọc của trẻ em dường như đã đạt đến ngưỡng nhất định.

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