Definition of spiritually


về mặt tinh thần


The word "spiritually" has its roots in the 15th century, when it was borrowed from the Old French word "esperituels", which means "of or pertaining to the spirit". This Old French word is derived from the Latin "spiritualis", meaning "of the spirit", which is itself derived from the Latin "spiritus", meaning "breath", "wind", or "soul". In English, the word "spiritually" has been used since the 15th century to describe something that is related to the soul, the mind, or the immaterial aspect of human nature. Initially, it was used to describe things that were considered to be of a higher, more abstract nature, such as spiritual love or spiritual growth. Over time, the word has taken on broader meanings, including descriptions of activities, thoughts, or experiences that are considered to bring a sense of meaning, purpose, or fulfillment.


in a way that is connected with the human spirit, rather than with the body or physical things

theo cách liên quan đến tinh thần con người, hơn là với cơ thể hoặc những thứ vật chất

  • a spiritually uplifting book

    một cuốn sách nâng cao tinh thần

Related words and phrases

in a way that is connected with religion

theo cách liên quan đến tôn giáo

  • Water is spiritually symbolic (baptism, cleansing, healing).

    Nước có ý nghĩa biểu tượng về mặt tâm linh (báp têm, tẩy rửa, chữa lành).