Definition of intuitive


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The word "intuitive" has its roots in the Latin verb "intueri," which means "to look within or contemplate." The Latin word "intuitus" was formed by combining "intuere" with the suffix "-tus," which denotes a noun. This Latin noun caught on in medieval times and was adopted by several European languages, including Old French, where it was used to describe things that were internally discerned or spiritually perceived. In the 16th century, Italian scholars popularized the word "intuizione" to describe a cognitive process that involved immediate apprehension or insight into things that bypassed traditional methods of reasoning. The English language adopted the term "intuitive" in the late 17th century, and it was originally used to describe philosophical concepts or religious ideas that could be apprehended directly by the human mind, without the need for external evidence or proof. Today, the term "intuitive" is widely used in fields such as psychology, education, and technology to describe people, strategies, or systems that rely on innate, immediate, and intuitive insight rather than formal logic or analytical reasoning.


obtained by using your feelings rather than by considering the facts

thu được bằng cách sử dụng cảm xúc của bạn hơn là bằng cách xem xét sự thật

  • He had an intuitive sense of what the reader wanted.

    Anh ấy có trực giác về những gì người đọc muốn.

Extra examples:
  • Her intuitive good taste was evident throughout her home.

    Trực giác tốt của cô ấy được thể hiện rõ ràng khắp nhà cô ấy.

  • Our approach to the subject can be strictly rational or wholly intuitive.

    Cách tiếp cận của chúng ta đối với chủ đề này có thể hoàn toàn hợp lý hoặc hoàn toàn trực quan.

  • Some students have an intuitive grasp of mathematical concepts.

    Một số học sinh có khả năng nắm bắt trực quan các khái niệm toán học.

Related words and phrases

able to understand something by using feelings rather than by considering the facts

có thể hiểu điều gì đó bằng cách sử dụng cảm xúc hơn là bằng cách xem xét sự thật

  • I don't think that women are necessarily more intuitive than men.

    Tôi không nghĩ rằng phụ nữ nhất thiết phải trực quan hơn nam giới.

easy to understand and to use

dễ hiểu và dễ sử dụng

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