Definition of mystically


một cách huyền bí


The word "mystically" has its roots in the Greek language. The Greek word "mystikos" (μυστικός) means "initiated" or "initiated into a mystery". In ancient Greece, the word referred specifically to those who had been inducted into a secret ritual or ceremony, such as the Eleusinian Mysteries or the initiation into a mystery cult. The word "mystikos" was later adopted into Latin as "mysticus", and from there it was borrowed into various European languages, including English. In English, the word "mystical" has taken on a broader sense, referring to things that are mysterious, spiritual, or symbolic. In a broader sense, "mystically" is often used to describe experiences, phenomena, or ideas that are considered to be beyond the reach of rational understanding, and are often associated with the domain of spirituality, the occult, or the paranormal.


in a way that is connected with spiritual powers or qualities that are difficult to understand

theo cách liên quan đến sức mạnh tâm linh hoặc phẩm chất khó hiểu

  • We are all mystically connected.

    Chúng ta đều có sự kết nối bí ẩn.

in a way that is connected with mysticism

theo cách liên quan đến chủ nghĩa thần bí

  • mystically inclined philosophers

    các nhà triết học có khuynh hướng thần bí