Definition of sinfully


một cách tội lỗi


The word "sinfully" originates from the 14th century English word "sinne", which means "fault" or "offense" against divine law. This word is derived from the Latin "peccatum", meaning "sin". In Middle English, the adjective "sinful" emerged, meaning "failing to meet moral standards" or "guilty of sin". In the 16th century, the prefix "sin-" (meaning "without" or "lacking") was added to "sinful" to create "sinfully", meaning "in a manner that is against moral standards" or "with a degree of guilt associated with sin". Over time, however, "sinfully" took on a more subtle meaning, describing something that is indulgent, pleasurable, or even decadent. Today, "sinfully delicious" is often used to describe a dish that is irresistibly tasty, despite being potentially unhealthy!


in a way that is morally wrong or evil

theo cách sai trái hoặc xấu xa về mặt đạo đức

Related words and phrases

in a way that is slightly bad

theo một cách hơi tệ

  • a sinfully delicious cheesecake

    một chiếc bánh phô mai ngon tuyệt vời