Definition of temptation


sự cám dỗ


The word "temptation" originates from the Middle English "tempcen" meaning "to test or try". It can be traced back to the Latin "temptatio," which means "an attempt to persuade or influence." In the Bible, the word "temptation" is used to describe the various attempts by Satan to provoke or seduce people into sin. In the Old Testament, the term "nacah" (meaning "to deceive") was used to describe temptation, while in the New Testament the words "peirasmos" and "peirazō" were also used, both meaning "a testing" or "a trial." The Greek word "peirasmos" appears 22 times in the New Testament, particularly in the Gospels and the letters of the Apostle Paul. It is used to describe various kinds of testing or trial, including Satan's attempts to lead Jesus into sin as well as the overall challenge of living a righteous and faithful life. In modern usage, the word "temptation" has come to refer to any desire or impulse that is potentially harmful or demanding, depending on how it is acted upon. It can range from small indulgences, such as enjoying a favorite food, to major decisions that may have significant consequences, such as deciding to leave a job or pursuing a new relationship. The Latin roots of the word serve as a reminder that the power of temptation ultimately comes from its ability to test and challenge us, both spiritually and emotionally.


the desire to do or have something that you know is bad or wrong

mong muốn làm hoặc có điều gì đó mà bạn biết là xấu hoặc sai

  • the temptation of easy profits

    sự cám dỗ của lợi nhuận dễ dàng

  • to give way to/yield to temptation

    nhường đường cho/nhượng bộ trước sự cám dỗ

  • I couldn't resist the temptation to open the letter.

    Tôi không thể cưỡng lại sự cám dỗ mở lá thư ra.

  • Don't put temptation in his way by offering him cookies.

    Đừng cản đường anh ấy bằng cách mời anh ấy ăn bánh quy.

Extra examples:
  • Don't give in to temptation.

    Đừng đầu hàng trước sự cám dỗ.

  • Keep your valuables locked away so as not to put temptation in the way of thieves.

    Hãy cất giữ những vật có giá trị của bạn để không tạo cơ hội cho bọn trộm.

a thing that makes somebody want to do or have something that they know is bad or wrong

một điều khiến ai đó muốn làm hoặc có điều gì đó mà họ biết là xấu hoặc sai

  • An expensive bicycle is a temptation to thieves.

    Một chiếc xe đạp đắt tiền là sự cám dỗ cho những tên trộm.