Definition of seethe


sôi lên


The word "seethe" is a verb that carries the meaning of simmering, boiling, or fermenting. Its origin can be traced back to the Old English word "sētan," which meant "to set (something) or make something firm." Over time, the meaning of "sētan" shifted, and it came to signify "to set something in motion" or "to cause something to happen." This change in meaning likely stemmed from the observation that hot liquids tend to "settle" or "set" when they come to a boil. The Old English word "sētan" had two different spellings: "sētan" and "sētan." The former spelling eventually evolved into the modern English word "set," while the latter led to the development of "seethe." Over time, the meaning of "seethan" also underwent some changes. According to the earliest surviving English dictionaries, such as John Trevisa's fifteenth-century text "The Mannervall," "seethe" simply meant "to boil." However, by the seventeenth century, it had taken on its current multiple meanings that include "to simmer (a liquid)," "to foment (a substance)," and "to rage with anger or emotion." In addition to its shift in meaning, "seethe" has also undergone some phonetic changes over the centuries. In Old English, the word was "sētan," pronounced with a short "e" sound. In Middle English, the "tan" suffix was replaced with a "the," which became "ethe" in modern English spelling. This produced the modern spelling "seethe." In summary, the word "seethe" has its roots in Old English, ultimately derived from the word "sētan" which denoted setting something into motion or making it firm. Its meaning has broadened over time, reflecting a transition from the literal meaning of boiling or settling to figurative meanings signifying emotions and becoming "set" into action.


to be extremely angry about something but to try not to show other people how angry you are

cực kỳ tức giận về điều gì đó nhưng cố gắng không cho người khác thấy bạn tức giận như thế nào

  • She seethed silently in the corner.

    Cô im lặng ngồi trong góc.

  • He marched off, seething with frustration.

    Anh ta bước đi, sôi sục vì thất vọng.

  • Inwardly he was seething at this challenge to his authority.

    Trong thâm tâm anh đang sôi sục trước sự thách thức này đối với quyền lực của mình.

  • She was seething at the insult.

    Cô ấy đang sôi sục trước sự xúc phạm.

Related words and phrases

to be full of a lot of people or animals, especially when they are all moving around

có rất nhiều người hoặc động vật, đặc biệt là khi tất cả họ đều di chuyển xung quanh

  • The resort is seething with tourists all year round.

    Khu nghỉ dưỡng sôi động với khách du lịch quanh năm.

  • He became caught up in a seething mass of arms and legs.

    Anh ta bị cuốn vào một khối tay và chân sôi sục.

to move around quickly and violently

để di chuyển xung quanh một cách nhanh chóng và dữ dội

  • The grey ocean seethed beneath them.

    Đại dương xám xịt sôi sục bên dưới họ.