Definition of frustration


sự thất vọng


The word "frustration" first appeared in the English language in the mid-16th century, initially in the context of frustrated chemistry experiments. At that time, it was spelled as "frustre" and derived from the Latin phrase "in frustra" meaning "to no purpose" or "in vain." In the 17th century, the meaning of the word expanded to describe any situation that resulted in futility or failure, such as business ventures or other endeavors that did not yield the desired results. This usage became more common in the 19th century, as industrialization and increasing specialization led to situations where individuals felt frustrated by their inability to achieve their goals due to external factors. By the 20th century, the concept of frustration had gained wider recognition as a psychological state, prompted by the development of psychoanalysis and other modern psychological theories. Frustration was understood as a normal part of human experience, arising from the inevitability of unmet needs, expectations, and desires. Today, the word "frustration" is widely used in everyday language to describe a range of emotions and experiences, including feelings of irritation, annoyance, or dissatisfaction with one's circumstances or the actions of others. Whether in the context of personal relationships, work environments, or global events, the phenomenon of frustration remains a common and complex part of the human experience.


the feeling of being frustrated

cảm giác chán nản

  • Dave thumped the table in frustration.

    Dave thất vọng đập bàn.

  • She couldn't stand the frustration of not being able to help.

    Cô không thể chịu đựng được sự thất vọng vì không thể giúp đỡ.

  • sexual frustration

    thất vọng tình dục

Extra examples:
  • He took his pent-up frustration out on his family.

    Anh ấy trút hết nỗi bực tức dồn nén của mình lên gia đình.

  • He was still seething with angry frustration.

    Anh vẫn đang sôi sục vì tức giận thất vọng.

  • I agree that we are accomplishing nothing at the moment, and I share your frustration.

    Tôi đồng ý rằng hiện tại chúng tôi chưa đạt được gì và tôi chia sẻ sự thất vọng của bạn.

  • I could have wept with frustration.

    Tôi có thể đã khóc vì thất vọng.

  • I was crying out of frustration.

    Tôi đã khóc vì tuyệt vọng.

  • I sensed frustration in her voice.

    Tôi cảm nhận được sự thất vọng trong giọng nói của cô ấy.

  • Many have expressed frustration at the delays.

    Nhiều người đã bày tỏ sự thất vọng trước sự chậm trễ.

  • There were tears of frustration in her eyes.

    Trong mắt cô có những giọt nước mắt thất vọng.

  • These petty rules can lead to frustration and anger.

    Những quy tắc nhỏ nhặt này có thể dẫn đến sự thất vọng và tức giận.

  • They're showing frustration over the lack of progress.

    Họ đang thể hiện sự thất vọng vì thiếu tiến bộ.

  • their frustration with bureaucracy

    sự thất vọng của họ với sự quan liêu

something that causes you to feel frustrated

điều gì đó khiến bạn cảm thấy thất vọng

  • Every job has its difficulties and frustrations.

    Công việc nào cũng có những khó khăn và mệt mỏi.

  • She took out her frustrations on the children.

    Cô trút sự thất vọng của mình lên bọn trẻ.

  • My biggest frustration was not having enough time.

    Nỗi thất vọng lớn nhất của tôi là không có đủ thời gian.

the fact that something is preventing something/somebody from succeeding

thực tế là một cái gì đó đang ngăn cản một cái gì đó / ai đó thành công

  • the frustration of all his ambitions

    sự thất vọng của tất cả tham vọng của anh ấy


have/want none of something
to refuse to accept something
  • I offered to pay but he was having none of it.
  • They pretended to be enthusiastic about my work but then suddenly decided they wanted none of it.
  • none but
  • None but he knew the truth.
  • none the less
    despite this fact
    none other than
    used to emphasize who or what somebody/something is, when this is surprising
  • Her first customer was none other than Mrs Obama.