Definition of simmer




The origin of the word "simmer" can be traced back to the Old English word "smeran," which roughly translates to "to move gently" or "to moisten." This root word evolved over time, with the Middle English version being "spoken" or "slow-cooked." In the 14th century, the word "simmeren" appeared, which meant "to cook gently" or "to bubble softly." This Old Norse-derived term slowly replaced the Anglo-Saxon word "smoren," and "simmeren" eventually transformed into the modern-day English verb "simmer." The expression "to simmer down" emerged in the late 19th century, initially as "to simmer over" to describe how food bubbles and overflows when cooked for too long. It eventually evolved into the current meaning, which refers to quelling agitation or resolving conflict. In conclusion, the word "simmer" originated from the Old English "smeran," meaning "to move gently," and underwent various changes in Old Norse and Middle English, becoming "simmeren" and eventually "simmer" in modern-day English. Its initial meaning remains relevant, describing the gentle and slow cooking process used in cooking.


to cook something by keeping it almost at boiling point; to be cooked in this way

nấu món gì đó bằng cách giữ nó gần như sôi; nấu theo cách này

  • Simmer the sauce gently for 10 minutes.

    Đun sôi nước sốt nhẹ nhàng trong 10 phút.

  • Leave the soup to simmer.

    Để súp sôi liu riu.

Extra examples:
  • Turn the heat down and let it simmer for thirty minutes.

    Giảm nhiệt và để sôi trong ba mươi phút.

  • a mixture of vegetables simmered in yogurt

    hỗn hợp rau củ luộc trong sữa chua

to be filled with a strong feeling, especially anger, which you have difficulty controlling

tràn ngập một cảm giác mạnh mẽ, đặc biệt là sự tức giận, mà bạn khó kiểm soát

  • She was still simmering with resentment.

    Cô vẫn đang âm ỉ trong lòng sự oán giận.

  • Anger simmered inside him.

    Cơn giận sôi sục trong anh.

  • She was still quietly simmering from her argument with Nathan.

    Cô vẫn đang âm thầm sôi sục sau cuộc tranh cãi với Nathan.

Related words and phrases

to develop for a period of time without any real anger or violence being shown

phát triển trong một khoảng thời gian mà không có bất kỳ sự tức giận hoặc bạo lực thực sự nào được thể hiện

  • This argument has been simmering for months.

    Cuộc tranh luận này đã sôi sục trong nhiều tháng.

  • The simmering dispute finally erupted.

    Cuộc tranh cãi sôi sục cuối cùng cũng nổ ra.

Related words and phrases

Phrasal verbs