Definition of secular


thế tục


The word "secular" originated in medieval Europe as a term to describe non-monastic or non-religious people, specifically those who did not follow a vow of poverty, chastity, and obedience. These individuals were called "secolari" in the Italian language, which means "of the world" or "secular" in English. Over time, the meaning of "secular" evolved to describe events, institutions, and beliefs that are not influenced by religious doctrine or values. In modern usage, "secular" is often used to describe governments, education, and society in general that are not explicitly grounded in religious principles. The concept of secularism, which promotes the separation of religion and government, gained traction in the Enlightenment era. Secularism emphasizes rationality, equality, and science as foundational values for society, rather than religious faith. In summary, the word "secular" originated as a designation for laypeople in medieval Europe, but its meaning has expanded to refer to aspects of society that prioritize reason, equality, and science over religious dogma.


not connected with spiritual or religious matters

không liên quan đến vấn đề tâm linh hoặc tôn giáo

  • secular music

    âm nhạc thế tục

  • We live in a largely secular society.

    Chúng ta đang sống trong một xã hội phần lớn là thế tục.

living among ordinary people rather than in a religious community

sống giữa những người bình thường hơn là trong một cộng đồng tôn giáo