Definition of relegate


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The term "relegate" has its roots in the world of sports, specifically association football (soccer). In the late 19th century, international soccer competitions were just starting to gain popularity, and many national leagues had not yet been established. In England, for example, a group of football clubs known as the Football League formed in 1888 to establish a formalized competition among themselves. At the end of each season, the bottom few teams in the league would be demoted (relegated) to a lower division, where they would compete against other lesser-skilled teams. This was done to ensure that the best teams remained in the top tier (division) and to provide less successful teams with an opportunity to develop and improve. The noun form of "relegate" comes from the combination of the Latin words "re," meaning "again," and "legare," meaning "to place." The verb form of "relegate" refers to the process of moving or transferring individuals, teams, or institutions to a lower place or position. Over time, the use of the term "relegate" has expanded beyond sports to describe similarly marginalizing actions in other contexts, such as in government and academia, where entities may be removed from positions of authority or influence. In these contexts, "relegate" is typically used pejoratively, to indicate a loss of status or prestige. Overall, the origin and historical context of the word "relegate" continue to influence its usage and meaning in modern times, reminding us of the important role that established institutions and hierarchies can play in shaping our social and cultural landscape. As we continue to evolve and adapt in the face of new challenges and opportunities, the meaning and significance of "relegate" will undoubtedly continue to evolve and adapt as well.


to give somebody a lower or less important position, rank, etc. than before

trao cho ai một vị trí, cấp bậc, v.v. thấp hơn hoặc ít quan trọng hơn trước

  • She was then relegated to the role of assistant.

    Sau đó cô được chuyển xuống làm trợ lý.

  • He relegated the incident to the back of his mind.

    Anh ấy đã để sự việc đó vào trong tâm trí mình.

to move a sports team from playing with one group of teams to playing in a lower group

chuyển một đội thể thao từ việc chơi với một nhóm đội sang chơi ở một nhóm thấp hơn

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