Definition of downgrade


hạ cấp


"Downgrade" likely originated in the early 20th century, combining the prefix "down" (meaning lower or decrease) with "grade," which refers to a level or rank. The term first appeared in railway contexts, signifying a reduction in the quality or classification of a railway line. However, its use expanded beyond railroads to encompass the general concept of lowering the quality, status, or value of something, evolving to its current broader meaning.


to move somebody/something down to a lower rank or level

chuyển ai/cái gì xuống một cấp bậc hoặc cấp độ thấp hơn

  • She's been downgraded from principal to vice-principal.

    Cô ấy bị giáng chức từ hiệu trưởng xuống hiệu phó.

to make something/somebody seem less important or valuable than it/they really are

làm cho cái gì/ai đó có vẻ kém quan trọng hoặc ít giá trị hơn nó/họ thực sự